2024 Presidential Election | 44 Days to Election Day

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Right?! Boomers across the board just don't let go :)
Well this boomer did. Born in 1959. Retired early, 8 years ago at age 57. Now I just play jazz gigs on the weekends (with a few winery gigs on certain Thursday afternoons) 😎
I am well outta the way of all you young bucks, and you’re more than welcome on my lawn - as long as you mow it, and weed-eat gently around the old ladies flower beds.
Well this boomer did. Born in 1959. Retired early, 8 years ago at age 57. Now I just play jazz gigs on the weekends (with a few winery gigs on certain Thursday afternoons) 😎
I am well outta the way of all you young bucks, and you’re more than welcome on my lawn - as long as you mow it, and weed-eat gently around the old ladies flower beds.
were not worthy waynes world GIF

You, good sir, are my hero!
I think it's a fairly natural outcome of both lengthened life spans including increased health outcomes for older folks and the rise of predominantly intellectual jobs as a mass of jobs.

If you're in good to great health, foresee living a couple more decades, enjoy what you do, and are physically/mentally able to keep doing it...why retire just because the calendar says you're 65 (or 70 or 75 or whatever)? Or even if you're only in decent health and only foresee living another decade, why not keep doing your job if you love it?

I do think that companies are going to have to figure out (and I think many already are) how to move folks out of the highest management roles, though, and into something more like vision/leadership/SME roles in order to ensure that they have a sustainable management succession plan.
My boss, 70, is semi-retiring and will just be doing half time work on one big project, while I’ll be taking over for him managing our department. This plan has been in the works for nearly 2 years! Guy didn’t really want to give it up.
Trump has evened it up in the betting markets in the last few days and this is the only possible reason why.

That said, I can’t imagine a Kennedy endorsement actually helps Trump in any material way.
I don’t think that’s the only possible reason why. The betting markets aren’t predicting a winner. They’re setting a line to even out the bets as much as possible. I have no doubt whatsoever that no matter how bad things look for Trump objectively, his idiot cultists are FAR more likely to put down their hard-earned money on his chances of victory than are those in the thinking world.
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Trump has evened it up in the betting markets in the last few days and this is the only possible reason why.

That said, I can’t imagine a Kennedy endorsement actually helps Trump in any material way.
I can't imagine many are left on the RFK Bandaid Wagon. My guess is that of those who remain, most either 1) won't vote; 2) will write in someone; or 3) choose another third-party candidate. Trump will likely inherit maybe 10% of whatever's left. It's not nothing but it's pretty damn close to nothing.
I don’t think that’s the only possible reason why. The betting markets aren’t predicting a winner. They’re setting a line to even out the bets as much as possible. I have no doubt whatsoever that no matter bad things look for Trump objectively, his idiot cultists are FAR more likely to put down their hard-earned money on his chances of victory than are those in the thinking world.
Oh that makes sense. I never thought about it like that (I dont bet)
I can't imagine many are left on the RFK Bandaid Wagon. My guess is that of those who remain, most either 1) won't vote; 2) will write in someone; or 3) choose another third-party candidate. Trump will likely inherit maybe 10% of whatever's left. It's not nothing but it's pretty damn close to nothing.
That may be right and I hope it is. My sense of the RFK people is that they're not general/generic malcontents looking to stick it to the man with a protest vote (as were Nader and Jill Stein voters, mostly).

RFK people are more like Ron Paul or Bernie people - more specifically committed to RFK himself and whatever it is he's selling. They're smaller in number than the RP or Bernie people were, but they might still amount to ~1%. Hard to predict if they'll follow their guy to Trump or not, because they're flaky enough people to love RFK in the first place.