2024 Presidential Election | ELECTION DAY 2024

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I haven’t watched Bill Maher’s show in years but this was a well-stated point, IMO:
They were talking about the Puerto Rico is garbage bit, one of the guys said "why did they have a comedian there in the first place?" and Maher said "Yeah, that's like bringing cocaine to a funeral"....
I mean it’s just incomprehensible that this guy is in this position:

Future historians will speculate that COVID gave us ALL brain worms. Unless Trump wins, in which case future historians will report that Trump secured the nomination through a series of acclaimed speeches delivered shirtless from the back of a Cybertruck while he blocked assassins’ bullets with a lightsaber.
Trump’s rally in the Greensboro Coliseum last night was attended about like a Tuesday BC/Syracuse game at the ACC Women’s bball tournament:

Entire upper level blocked off. Lower level less than half full. (But they do have floor seating too, of course.)
Trump’s rally in the Greensboro Coliseum last night was attended about like a Tuesday BC/Syracuse game at the ACC Women’s bball tournament:

Entire upper level blocked off. Lower level less than half full. (But they do have floor seating too, of course.)

Looks like a PTO meeting
A relatively rare (these days) article about the candidates as human beings and the toll of the campaign marathon and sprint to the end:

“… Harris scarfed down Nacho Cheese Doritos this week while talking to staff on her plane, according to photos by the Associated Press. The crunchy chips are her favorite snack, she has said, cheese powder and all. On her running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s plane, staff are circulating through flavors of Dot’s pretzels and beef jerky.

“I wake up in the middle of the night usually these days,” Harris said at a campaign event last week in Michigan when Maria Shriver asked how the vice president deals with stress. Harris added: “I work out. I try to eat well. I love my family and I make sure that I talk to the kids and my husband every day.” Harris said she isn’t turning to marijuana gummies, as Shriver said some stressed-out voters are doing.

Harris has said she gives priority to exercise over sleep. Walz is an avid runner who prefers jogging outside, but these days he is frequently hunting for a hotel treadmill, his spokesman said, though he has gone jogging during some swing state stops. The 60-year-old runs a nine-minute mile, usually for about 3 miles.

For the Trump campaign, Diet Coke and fast food are constant staples, several aides said. While Trump is giving his rally speech, some staffers pick up bags of food for the former president and his traveling staff so it is ready for the return flight home. McDonald’sand Chick-fil-A are top picks. The french fries are often cold when the staff sits to eat, one person said.

“You’re just happy to eat,” said Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt. Sometimes staff picks up local fare, such as barbecue in North Carolina. The team on the plane will often watch a sports event, or Trump himself will play DJ and select the music. …”
Trump himself will play DJ and select the music. …”

Probably what he chooses to inspire his staff unless his views on heredity get in the way.

Anecdotal, of course, but I was astounded to learn that this past Wednesday my M-I-L was paid a visit at her house by two nice women asking 1) if she’s going to vote and 2) could they count on her vote for Harris-Walz and Josh Stein.

This was in Pamlico County - about 15 miles outside New Bern on a lonely country road. Pretty damn red, IOW.

Dems are serious about their ground game. And then you hear the stats about the thousands of door knocks in Pennsylvania yesterday…

“… A second Trump administration will be even more of a snake pit of craziness, incompetence, and intrigue than the first was. Elon Musk will imagine himself to be the real power in the land: After all, he bought the presidency, didn’t he? Vice President J. D. Vance will scheme to shoulder aside an elderly Trump, whom he never respected. It’s amazing what a vice president can get done if he arrives at the office at six in the morning and the president doesn’t show up until nearly noon. The lower levels of the administration will see a nonstop guerrilla war between the opportunists who signed up with Trump for their own advantage and the genuine crackpots.

… As Americans quarrel over Trump’s extreme actions, the most prominent predators—Russia, China, and Iran—will prowl, seeking advantage for themselves in the U.S. turmoil. Ominously, Trump’s weakness may make great-power conflict more likely.

Putin, Xi, and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un may imagine that because they can manipulate and outwit Trump, they can discount the United States entirely. China especially may misinterpret Trump’s dislike of allies as an invitation to grab Taiwan—only to trigger a U.S. reaction that may surprise China and Trump alike. Until such a desperate moment, however, former allies will look elsewhere for protection. As a French cabinet minister said, only days ago: “We cannot leave the security of Europe in the hands of the voters of Wisconsin every four years.”

Under a returned President Trump, the American century will come to a close, in the way darkly foreseen by a great 20th-century novel of Washington power, Allen Drury’s Advise and Consent, from 1959:

In his lifetime he had seen America rise and rise and rise, some sort of golden legend to her own people, some sort of impossible fantasy to others … rise and rise and rise—and then … the golden legend crumbled, overnight the fall began, the heart went out of it. …”
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I mean it’s just incomprehensible that this guy is in this position:

Future historians will speculate that COVID gave us ALL brain worms. Unless Trump wins, in which case future historians will report that Trump secured the nomination through a series of acclaimed speeches delivered shirtless from the back of a Cybertruck while he blocked assassins’ bullets with a lightsaber.

This is also why to some people Trump appears more mentally fit than Biden. It is because he can continue to talk about subjects with at least some energy. He hides when he trips up over words by just rambling on about some other nonsensical topic.

Biden would try to have thoughtful dialog which is a much harder task and thus resulting in noticeable pauses and train of thought issues. Trump doesn’t have that issue because he has no coherent train of thought. He just rambles on about nonsense.
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Anecdotal, of course, but I was astounded to learn that this past Wednesday my M-I-L was paid a visit at her house by two nice women asking 1) if she’s going to vote and 2) could they count on her vote for Harris-Walz and Josh Stein.

This was in Pamlico County - about 15 miles outside New Bern on a lonely country road. Pretty damn red, IOW.

Dems are serious about their ground game. And then you hear the stats about the thousands of door knocks in Pennsylvania yesterday…
Thanks for sharing. It’s funny - canvassing has sent my wife and I to a few neighborhoods that we would not have ventured into otherwise. Three people yesterday told us, “you be careful now” - including one Trumper that came to his fence to talk to us but said “Oh!” When he saw our Harris/Walz shirts.

Thing is, though, you end up having good conversations regardless where you go. People do have a lot more in common than we have differences.
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“… The most pro-Trump employer in America would instantly fire any employee who talked about women, racial minorities, international partners, or people who lived in big cities the way that Trump does. An employee who told lies, shifted blame, exulted in violence, misappropriated other people’s property, blathered nonsense, or just wandered around vacantly as Trump does would be referred to mental-health professionals or reported to law enforcement.

Trump’s conduct is in fact so disturbing and offensive even to his supporters that they typically cope either by denying attested facts or by inventing fictional good deeds and falsely attributing them to him: secret acts of charity, empathy, or courtesy that never happened.

Trump’s political superpower has not been his ability to activate a small fan base. If that’s all he were able to do, he’d be no more a threat to American institutions than any of the other fanatics and oddballs who lurk on the edges of mainstream politics. Trump’s superpower has been his ability to leverage his sway over a cult following to capture control of one of the two great parties in U.S. politics. If all we had to worry about were the people who idolize Trump, we would not have much to worry about. Unfortunately, we also must worry about the people who see him as he is but choose to work through him anyway, in pursuit of their own goals.

For that reason, Trump’s rise has imposed a special responsibility upon those of us with backgrounds in conservative and Republican politics. He arose because he was enabled not just by people we knew but by people we also knew to despise him.

… Ronald Reagan liked to describe the United States as a “shining city on a hill.” As Trump closed his 2024 campaign, he derided the country as “the garbage can for the world.” In his first inaugural address, Reagan challenged the country “to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds.” He concluded: “And after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans.” Trump instead condemns the United States as a “stupid country that’s run by stupid people.”

In 1987, Reagan traveled to Berlin, then still divided by the Iron Curtain, to urge the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” Three years later, Trump gave an interview to Playboy in which he condemned Gorbachev for not crushing dissent more harshly and praised the Chinese Communist Party for the murderous violence of Tiananmen Square:

When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength … Russia is out of control, and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.

… If you are inclined to vote for Trump out of some attachment to a Reaganite idea of conservative Republicanism, think again. Your party, the party that stood for freedom against the Berlin Wall, has three times nominated a man who praised the massacre at Tiananmen Square.

… Consider this example: In his 1991 State of the Union address, Bush discerned an “opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order, where brutality will go unrewarded and aggression will meet collective resistance.” Campaigning this year, Vance appeared at the Turning Point USA convention alongside the far-right broadcaster and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who announced: “We’re bringing down the new world order!”

… In 1860, Americans voted on whether to remain one country or to split over slavery. In 1964, Americans voted on whether to defend equal rights before the law. So also will the election of 2024 turn on one ultimate question: whether to protect our constitutional democracy or submit to a presidency that wants to reorder the United States in such a way that it will become one of the world’s reactionary authoritarian regimes. …”
I think about this subject highlighted from the Atlantic article linked above - “ As a French cabinet minister said, only days ago: “We cannot leave the security of Europe in the hands of the voters of Wisconsin every four years.””

Europe has to be on edge. And it highlights the transactional/non-strategic nature of Trump. A Europe that needs the US is in the US’s best interest even if it costs us a ton if $.

Why did Trump post this?

Screen shot in case he asks himself the same question:

From the article:

“… Pelosi said, “I could never understand why anybody would vote for somebody so disrespectful of women, so unpatriotic, who speaks with disdain and negativity about John McCain and George Herbert Walker Bush and our men and women in uniform who’ve given their lives for our country and all the rest. I don’t know why anybody would be for him. But nonetheless, respectful of the fact that they are voters and and they have their right to their opinion. I don’t know, but it’s close because elections are close. Look back at all the elections of recent times they’re close.”

She added, “I can just tell you because I’ve been in a different city every day different yesterday, two cities in one state, Arizona the enthusiasm on the ground is enormous. You know, I’m a former chair of the party. I believe win the election you must own the ground. You must get out the vote. You must call. You must text. You must door knock. You must walk precincts. That’s what we see overwhelmingly.”

Grampa Simpson Grandpa GIF by MOODMANIMG_3461.jpegAnother head-scratcher/\/\

Maybe it was late and he fucked up trying to post this (which he did successfully post):
