A confessional thread

You see many here say far worse to the few conservative posters on a daily basis and that never results in a discussion of whether or not to ban them.
I don't see that. Please feel free to utilize the report function to keep me apprised if someone does that. I spend a lot of time trying to upgrade and fix things on this site so don't actually read as many posts as I otherwise could.

That said, I haven't seen a user attack someone's profession, their mother, their intelligence, etc. in one post as you did. But, again, please help me out and report things in the future. Thanks.
For the record, my comment to Sandi was based on Sandi's harassment of another poster. He was, for some reason, trying to dig up an old argument from 2009, in which he had threatened that poster. I have no idea exactly what it was about, but Sandi kept posting about how Bigs wasn't "fit for his duty" as a public school teacher. He took aim at that poster's "station in life," and then threatened to unearth archived posts from IC in 2009 to relitigate some long-ago forgotten grudge of his.

Calling him an asshole, while truthful, was also a way of distracting him from his incredibly bizarre vendetta against that other poster. It apparently worked, as he began to train his vitriol to me. To be honest, though, I never saw his response to me until it was posted on this thread.

The exchange in question is here:

Thanks for the explanation
Why do you need more than one alias to do this?
you don't, plenty of posters do all of that without multiple aliases.

but i suppose they might think they need backup because they're constantly skirting getting banned or in case they do get banned and/or they use the other aliases to give the appearance that other people share their opinions.

i remember someone outing the fact that they had multiple aliases on IC sometime in the last few years because they were posting in the same thread with both and got careless and/or confused.
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You linked to a thread that shows the opposite of what you claim.

I didn't bring up an argument from 15 years ago. Bigs did. He also got many of the details wrong so I merely corrected them, and mentioned that I have the entirety of the zzl archives on a hard drive as proof.

It's all right there in your thread link if you'd actually read it.
You have the entire old ZZL stored? Very weird.
Single best part of this thread remains,

"I was blessed with tremendous natural intelligence"

Carry on
Do you have any specific complaint about that sentence? It's hard to understand me in any way, really, without understanding how this experience has shaped my life. I'm not sitting here claiming that it makes me a superior person. In fact, I've repeatedly stated that I think "intelligence" is an overrated trait, and a substantial part of its function is to create and maintain a status hierarchy, which I reject.

But maybe this is another case where smart kids and by extension smart people aren't allowed to talk about their issues because jealousy? I used to contemplate suicide, in large measure because nobody would give me any support for the problems I was having. Because I was smart and I guess everything is wonderful in Smarttown? I was valedictorian at my high school at age 15, and that's how old I was when I went off to college. It was an extremely lonely experience. I couldn't even drive, but I was expected to know what to do with my life, and navigate the complexities of social interactions with substantially older and more emotionally mature peers. And every time I looked for support, I was told to go away because I had straight As and nobody wanted to hear about my problems.

I graduated at the very top of my law school class, at an elite school. I had a clerkship on the most prestigious appeals court in the country. I didn't get a Supreme Court clerkship but I did get interviews. And I did all that while working 10-20 hours a week (more during summer) doing programming at $150/hr, so I was making about $90K which was more than enough to cover my tuition. That's my lived experience of being very smart. But it's not something to brag about, really, given that I was never able to exploit these abilities. Law practice was excruciating for me and I struggled. Teaching was very much up and down. The best students really liked me because I challenged them; the average students were hot and cold because they thought my class to be too hard, perhaps because it was difficult for me to reach or connect with them.
I’m not saying imitate them in you personal writing. I am saying think about how they might have written a short passage as a way of examining your own approach — something encouraged by writers teaching UNC’s creative writing program when I was a student that I always found a useful way of expanding how I thought about writing.

But writing is always an individual journey and certainly I leave it to you to proceed as you believe is best.
Got it. Thanks for the suggestion.

BTW I'm trying to write pulp. I'm never going to be able to write a great novel, and I'm not going to try. Unfortunately, my mind won't let me write pulp because I can't deal with simplicity, so I will end up with something in between. It might come off as little more than a pretentious mess, but I think I have a good ear for dialogue and characterization so I'm relying on that.
You linked to a thread that shows the opposite of what you claim.

I didn't bring up an argument from 15 years ago. Bigs did. He also got many of the details wrong so I merely corrected them, and mentioned that I have the entirety of the zzl archives on a hard drive as proof.

It's all right there in your thread link if you'd actually read it.
I might regret asking this question, but why do you have the entirety of the ZZL archives on a hard drive? Don't lash out at me. I'm just curious. This is entirely separate from my other observations about you.

I thought it was weird when you claimed that Lawrence of Arabia was just a bad Dances With Wolves, but maybe I have the details wrong. I'm not going to argue about things that happened decades ago, whether or not they have archives.
I've repeatedly stated that I think "intelligence" is an overrated trait


And to some degree, only truly intelligent people will get that point. Those whose ego is too bound up in their relative intelligence - or who are unconsciously insecure about it - will have a hard time admitting it.
I might regret asking this question, but why do you have the entirety of the ZZL archives on a hard drive? Don't lash out at me. I'm just curious. This is entirely separate from my other observations about you.

I thought it was weird when you claimed that Lawrence of Arabia was just a bad Dances With Wolves, but maybe I have the details wrong. I'm not going to argue about things that happened decades ago, whether or not they have archives.
You have this exactly backward as well. People claimed Avatar was just Dances with Wolves and I said so what, Dances with Wolves is just Lawrence of Arabia. Never said either was bad since I enjoy both quite a lot.

If your memory is this poor, and your reading comprehension is this poor (you did after all link to a thread that states the exact opposite of what you took from it) then perhaps your other "observations" are also the opposite of what they should be. Perhaps you should start saving archives of this board and study it nightly to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
You have this exactly backward as well. People claimed Avatar was just Dances with Wolves and I said so what, Dances with Wolves is just Lawrence of Arabia. Never said either was bad since I enjoy both quite a lot.

If your memory is this poor, and your reading comprehension is this poor (you did after all link to a thread that states the exact opposite of what you took from it) then perhaps your other "observations" are also the opposite of what they should be. Perhaps you should start saving archives of this board and study it nightly to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
If you're expecting me to apologize for not remembering all the details of a conversation that happened many years ago that I wasn't even part of, I won't. That I don't remember everything that ever happened on the ZZL doesn't make my memory poor. Nonetheless, thank you for the clarification.

Maybe part of the issue here is that "similar mistakes" don't really bother me. Memory is inherently inaccurate and that's OK. It's part of being human. It also doesn't matter much, does it? I mean, what happened fifteen years ago on a message board should REALLY be water under the bridge, don't you think?
(you did after all link to a thread that states the exact opposite of what you took from it)
I'm not going to argue with you about what happened on that thread. Let me just point out that there are other interpretations of what happened there. I'm not going to say your interpretation is wrong, but to me, your response seemed disproportionate. Bigs wasn't aiming at you (did he even know you were here?); he was merely expressing a memory of his experience. He's entitled to do that, right?. Just as you're entitled to say, "I remember things quite differently." Is any further elaboration required? The bit about wanting to punch you was maybe excessive, but he wasn't threatening you. He was expressing his frustration.

I think it's probably best to leave things here. I apologize for my comment about you being an asshole. I should have said that, in my view, your contributions on that thread were asshole-ish, which I believe and which is also very, very different from saying something about YOU. I expressed myself poorly. You can take this apology and let it go, or you can keep looking for a fight. Either way, I'm not going there with you. I don't dislike you, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. There is entirely too much negativity in our world today.
This bothers me. So three posters reported his post. You should leave it there. Choosing to donate to the cause makes no difference (I hope) and you shouldn’t give the impression that impacts your decision making. I hope we don’t have separate classes of posters.
Found you, farce, you sonuvabitch. Unbelievable that you’re still allowed to post anywhere after ridiculing me 20 years ago about hot water heaters. Thought you’d get away with it? This I swear: I’m gonna give so much money to this site that they’ll have to give me banning privileges. You’ll be lucky if banning is all I do to you.