A confessional thread

Found you, farce, you sonuvabitch. Unbelievable that you’re still allowed to post anywhere after ridiculing me 20 years ago about hot water heaters. Thought you’d get away with it? This I swear: I’m gonna give so much money to this site that they’ll have to give me banning privileges. You’ll be lucky if banning is all I do to you.
Let me guess he told you like every plumber has always told me "It's a water heater, if the water was hot you would not need to heat it!" I'm assuming you were being sarcastic.
I don't mean confessional like what you say to a priest, but rather the way the term is used in literary criticism -- e.g. the "confessional" poets like Sylvia Plath. One reason I'm posting this is that I embarrassed myself a little bit last night and maybe some context will help explain. I'm hoping that my stories will be entertaining and others can also spread amusement; besides, we're in a bit of a poltiical dead zone . I don't want this to be "super's confessional thread" though I acknowledge that might the result. Anyway:

What I have wanted more than anything in my life has been to be a great lover. After decades of work and dedication, I'm there -- and it's literally the only thing in my life that I'm proud of. My academic "achievements" were not achievements at all. I was blessed with tremendous natural intelligence. That was my luck, like being born to a billionaire or with a body like Greg Oden. And just as Greg Oden feels like the biggest bust in NBA history -- which he said in an interview, and I think it's probably because he felt that being picked #1 overall was less of an accomplishment and more just a reflection of God-given talent -- I always feel that I've squandered my gifts. Greg Oden was unsuccessful because of injuries; I had my own share of "injuries" in the form of mental health. But still, he doesn't feel good about his NBA career and I feel similarly about my tremendous academic success and very modest professional success.

By contrast, I was not naturally talented at sex. That's not a statement about my endowment, which doesn't need to be discussed, but rather about my ability to use my various tools to please my partner. Two stories, taken together, perhaps explain.

In law school, my girlfriend once confided in her friend Elinor about her frustrations with me -- that I could be smart enough to get a 180 on my LSAT but I couldn't figure out how to organize my notes and notebooks so they weren't scattered around our apartment. She knew I tried; I just couldn't do it. Part of it was that the notes were a formality. I took them because I thought I should but I never used them. Anyway, Elinor immediately blabs about this, and of course, at a top 5 law school were people live and die by their grades and scores, word got around. Back then, scores like 178 or 179 weren't super-rare at the elite schools, but not many people got 180. As if there is a significant difference between 178 and 180 but whatever.

So a friend of mine asked me about it. "What did you do to get a 180 on the LSAT?" I demurred, saying that I didn't clearly remember last fall because I was going through a tremendous amount of stress. She smelled that our for the bullshit it was, and pressed again. So I said, "The weekend before the test, I picked up the sample test they send you when sign up for the exam. I did it, and did well. So then I showed up on Saturday morning and took the real thing." Then, word started to get around (because, as any law grad will attest, law school is surprisingly like middle school, down to the lockers) that I was a big braggart and was full of myself.

A couple of weeks later, I saw my friend at the law library at midnight. It was the night before our Civ Pro midterm -- the only midterm exam I ever had that counted toward the grade -- and people were there studying. I asked her why she was calling me a braggart, given that she had asked me about it point blank and didn't accept my evasion. What was I supposed to do, lie? Yes, she said. Lie. I asked her whether she lies about her things and she said, "no. But I didn't get a 180 without studying or taking a course." Well, OK I guess. Then she said that she didn't even believe me because look at me, I was at the law library at midnight. I asked her if this was another time I was supposed to lie, and she said no, she wanted the truth. So I told her the truth, which maybe I shouldn't have but I was kind of pissed: I went to the library to play computer games, because my girlfriend didn't like it when I played computer games, and especially didn't like it when I did so before an exam that we both knew I was going to ace. My friend stormed away. She later apologized, and we were still friendly, but we weren't friends any more. She's argued about 15-20 cases in front of the Supreme Court. I've argued zero.

After law school, I went to DC for my clerkship. My girlfriend and I had been gradually extricating ourselves from our relationship, which we decided would fully end when we were done with school (she wasn't in law school, but her program ended the same year mine did). And when I got to DC, I was really lonely and kind of desperate. I did a lot of internet dating, to very mixed results. Then I attracted the attention of the type of woman that young men dream about: an Austrian-Polish woman (she was born in Poland before her family defected) with an MD in neurology, who was in the states doing research at the NIH. Oh also she had been an Olympic athlete and represented her country in the Barcelona Games in handball, and yeah she was smoking hot. Her sister was a well-known model in Europe.

So one night we were chatting over the internet and she was impressed by my credentials. She was also particularly impressed by my knowledge of Polish movies and my insights about how Poland has always been defined by being seen as a satellite culture of two different superpowers (Russia, and Prussia/Germany). then she asked me what was my IQ. Since my experience with talking about test scores has been negative (see above), I tried to evade. But she put a number on the table and asked, "this high?" I said, truthfully, "higher." Then there was a pause and she typed, "where do you live? I want to come over." LOL. I guess this is the funny part.

When she arrived, she was hotter than her pics, and her German accent and the way she spoke German melted my heart. And yes, we had sex that night. And after we had sex, which I thought went pretty well, she immediately started talking about IQs. LOL. It turns out that what she really wanted in life, other than three BMWs and a beach house, was to pump out little geniuses. And we had a relationship for nine months: I had fallen harder for her than anyone previously, and she wanted my intelligence genes. I mean, there was more to it than that. We did have some genuinely good times together. We decided to move to New York together. I was buying the house on the basis of my Wachtell Lipton salary. And when we were in contract, this happened:

After sex one night, she asked me, "how can you be so smart but you can't figure out how to f me properly?" She said the last bit in German, perhaps knowing that I found that sexy. I was taken aback. I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were unhappy. Have you been faking?" And she said, no, but that her orgasms were pretty small and best case, they were medium. And she wanted really big ones. I asked her what she wanted me to do for her, and she said that I'm the man and so it's my job to know these things. Read a book or something, she said. A week later, she broke up with me. I cancelled the house contract and bought something else in a hurry.

So that's when my life goals changed. I was always socially awkward and weird -- looking back, I'm now pretty sure that I've been undiagnosed mildly neurodiverse -- and nothing I ever tried really did much about that. I was easily depressed, and meds weren't working for me at the time (as it took me a long time to get a proper diagnosis). But being a good lover was something I could do. And so I bought the books that I had always thought were FOS (most were, but some were full of good ideas). I watched instructional videos on tantric and other advanced techniques. When I was first married, I paid extremely close attention to my wife's enjoyment and learned how to do better and better.

And now, with my current wife, I've achieved my goal. I'm finally proud of something I've done. The sad part is that it's not socially acceptable to talk about. I can never get the credit. Ha, that's what anonymous message boards are for, suckers. The other frustrating thing is that I don't know whether I'm really good, or if it's only with my wife because we have "chemistry." It doesn't really matter, of course, because my wife is who matters . . . but I still kind of want to try with another woman, just to know if I'm actually good in general. I guess this is the other funny part. Guys often dream of strange. I just want to run a lab experiment, so to speak.

I know, weird. This whole line of attack on the GOP is a bit unsettling for me, because the truth is that I'm weird. I'm not weird like GOP weird, and anyway it's far more important to me that we win the election than for my feelings not to be hurt, so I don't take it personally. It's just worth noting that Harris/Walz/Dems might be losing the weird person vote. That vote was probably GOP to begin with, and the weird dudes of the world are not exactly a potent voting bloc. Still, just saying.
The question that most interests me about this post and many of your other posts is do you type these on a phone?
I might regret asking this question, but why do you have the entirety of the ZZL archives on a hard drive? Don't lash out at me. I'm just curious. This is entirely separate from my other observations about you.

I thought it was weird when you claimed that Lawrence of Arabia was just a bad Dances With Wolves, but maybe I have the details wrong. I'm not going to argue about things that happened decades ago, whether or not they have archives.
I thought Avatar was just a bad Dances with Wolves?
Let me guess he told you like every plumber has always told me "It's a water heater, if the water was hot you would not need to heat it!" I'm assuming you were being sarcastic.
I always find this funny.

It is a water heater because you can heat any temp water. The part about not heating hot water is completely wrong. No water heater waits until the water is cold to heat it. If the water in the water heater has new cold water added to replace used water and the temp of the water drops to 115, it is still hot when it is heated back up to the set point of 125. So, one can heat hot water. 😁 :cool: But not only hot water.
Found you, farce, you sonuvabitch. Unbelievable that you’re still allowed to post anywhere after ridiculing me 20 years ago about hot water heaters. Thought you’d get away with it? This I swear: I’m gonna give so much money to this site that they’ll have to give me banning privileges. You’ll be lucky if banning is all I do to you.
Let me guess he told you like every plumber has always told me "It's a water heater, if the water was hot you would not need to heat it!" I'm assuming you were being sarcastic
I always find this funny.

It is a water heater because you can heat any temp water. The part about not heating hot water is completely wrong. No water heater waits until the water is cold to heat it. If the water in the water heater has new cold water added to replace used water and the temp of the water drops to 115, it is still hot when it is heated back up to the set point of 125. So, one can heat hot water. 😁 :cool: But not only hot water.
Tell that to a plumber and obtain his highest rate for helping you.
I'm happy to reconsider but his "shtick" is being an asshole? Do I have that correct?

In the above post he insults a posters mother, is incredibly condescending, attacks a posters profession/intelligence, and finishes it off with more arrogance/smugness/whatever.
It’s not a schtick.
Screenshot 2024-08-30 223444.png

Three separate posters, including two who donated, reported his posts.

I looked at several of his recent posts and it came off like he was an asshole. Are you saying the above is a joke?
Morning, Rock. I get the idea of wanting to gather opinions from former mods on the old board. Thing is, if you rely on their experience and perspective too much, we all end up with another board just like the one that recently failed. No one wants that, except those former mods and a handful of the old sensitive IC crew. You’ve put too much work into creating something good here (with the potential of it getting even better) to let that happen. I’d urge you to take that, and the sweet ignore functions some choose to use, into account for this and all similar future decisions. Hope you have a good one.
ZZL didn’t fail because of the moderators. I realize you believe that nonsense.

The PTB split ZZL (which was a vibrant board) after Trump won in 2016. They created two separate boards that sucked compared to the original ZZL.

Then, in 2024, the PTB KILLED ZZL-P.
Sandi is Sandi. More than anyone else, IMO, he caused the split of ZZL. He is a caricature. His schitk is tiresome and lame. But he isn't OCS. He thinks super is Gr1111, who used to post on ZZL
Is Gr1111 still alive?
Do you have any specific complaint about that sentence? It's hard to understand me in any way, really, without understanding how this experience has shaped my life. I'm not sitting here claiming that it makes me a superior person. In fact, I've repeatedly stated that I think "intelligence" is an overrated trait, and a substantial part of its function is to create and maintain a status hierarchy, which I reject.

But maybe this is another case where smart kids and by extension smart people aren't allowed to talk about their issues because jealousy? I used to contemplate suicide, in large measure because nobody would give me any support for the problems I was having. Because I was smart and I guess everything is wonderful in Smarttown? I was valedictorian at my high school at age 15, and that's how old I was when I went off to college. It was an extremely lonely experience. I couldn't even drive, but I was expected to know what to do with my life, and navigate the complexities of social interactions with substantially older and more emotionally mature peers. And every time I looked for support, I was told to go away because I had straight As and nobody wanted to hear about my problems.

I graduated at the very top of my law school class, at an elite school. I had a clerkship on the most prestigious appeals court in the country. I didn't get a Supreme Court clerkship but I did get interviews. And I did all that while working 10-20 hours a week (more during summer) doing programming at $150/hr, so I was making about $90K which was more than enough to cover my tuition. That's my lived experience of being very smart. But it's not something to brag about, really, given that I was never able to exploit these abilities. Law practice was excruciating for me and I struggled. Teaching was very much up and down. The best students really liked me because I challenged them; the average students were hot and cold because they thought my class to be too hard, perhaps because it was difficult for me to reach or connect with them.
All that “burden” and having been basically useless in the sack at the same time? Sounds tough. Not sure why you’d think any of the dummies would be jealous of that.
Found you, farce, you sonuvabitch. Unbelievable that you’re still allowed to post anywhere after ridiculing me 20 years ago about hot water heaters. Thought you’d get away with it? This I swear: I’m gonna give so much money to this site that they’ll have to give me banning privileges. You’ll be lucky if banning is all I do to you.
Too obvious; no finesse.
Found you, farce, you sonuvabitch. Unbelievable that you’re still allowed to post anywhere after ridiculing me 20 years ago about hot water heaters. Thought you’d get away with it? This I swear: I’m gonna give so much money to this site that they’ll have to give me banning privileges. You’ll be lucky if banning is all I do to you.
And you’re still wrong, you dumb bastard!
I don't see that. Please feel free to utilize the report function to keep me apprised if someone does that. I spend a lot of time trying to upgrade and fix things on this site so don't actually read as many posts as I otherwise could.

That said, I haven't seen a user attack someone's profession, their mother, their intelligence, etc. in one post as you did. But, again, please help me out and report things in the future. Thanks.
no one sees that except for him, lmao.