Banning posters, redux

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Please don't allow this board to become IC ZZLP part 2 where liberals feel they own the board, expect it to be moderated like they actually do and turn this board into a place where conservatives and independents feel unwelcome and unfairly moderated.

I was permanently banned from IC ZZLP for asking a poster if he considered protests which led to dozens of deaths and billions in damage peaceful protests or riots. That's it. That's all it took to be permanently banned. Here is the actual question quoted "I bet you right now you are unwilling to call riots which led to billions in destruction and many, many deaths anything other than peaceful protests. Are you? Were they riots or peaceful protests?"

Now think about that for a minute and remember what the moderators on that board allowed people to say to anyone willing to voice support for President Donald J. Trump. Yeah, let's do our best to not let this place become like that one.
God almighty, some of y'all simply are not happy unless you're feeling aggrieved about a friggin' internet message board, huh? How much more are we going to have to see posts crying and complaining about moderation on the old ZZLP? What kind of lives do some of y’all live where remembering slights on a damn message board from **years ago** occupies real estate in your heads in the year of our Lord 2024?
God almighty, some of y'all simply are not happy unless you're feeling aggrieved about a friggin' internet message board, huh? How much more are we going to have to see posts crying and complaining about moderation on the old ZZLP? What kind of lives do some of y’all live where remembering slights on a damn message board from **years ago** occupies real estate in your heads in the year of our Lord 2024?
Interesting comment on a thread complaining about moderating on this forum. Poster's point is don't let it become what ZZLP was.
Interesting comment on a thread complaining about moderating on this forum. Poster's point is don't let it become what ZZLP was.
Yeah, I knew exactly what thread on which I commented. I have absolutely no earthly idea how some of you supposed adults do not see why continuously whining about past moderation **on a board that no longer exists** is anything other than completely bizarre. How does *anyone* care THAT deeply to harbor resentment over ANYTHING said or done to them YEARS AGO on an online Internet forum. And for the record, yeah, I also don’t see how complaining about moderation on this board, when there is a handy dandy ignore function that actually works wonders, is helpful.
God almighty, some of y'all simply are not happy unless you're feeling aggrieved about a friggin' internet message board, huh? How much more are we going to have to see posts crying and complaining about moderation on the old ZZLP? What kind of lives do some of y’all live where remembering slights on a damn message board from **years ago** occupies real estate in your heads in the year of our Lord 2024?
The Pub victimhood complex dies hard. I suspect we'll still be seeing these same complaints years from now, assuming this board still exists.
Yeah, I knew exactly what thread on which I commented. I have absolutely no earthly idea how some of you supposed adults do not see why continuously whining about past moderation **on a board that no longer exists** is anything other than completely bizarre. How does *anyone* care THAT deeply to harbor resentment over ANYTHING said or done to them YEARS AGO on an online Internet forum. And for the record, yeah, I also don’t see how complaining about moderation on this board, when there is a handy dandy ignore function that actually works wonders, is helpful.
You don't understand his point not to let this become ZZLP? That is the context. I have found this board far superior to zzlp. He made point about zzlp only to argue against these subjective bans. As others have said this board has functions to ignore posters.
You don't understand his point not to let this become ZZLP? That is the context. I have found this board far superior to zzlp. He made point about zzlp only to argue against these subjective bans. As others have said this board has functions to ignore posters.
I’m pretty sure everyone has the collective goal to not let this board become like the old ZZLP, so no, I don’t understand his point or any point that involves continuing to litigate and relitigate years-old complaints and grievances, considering this board is nothing at all like the old ZZLP.
Do we get to post like this on this board? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it. I just would like to know before I hand you my response.
Yes. We do. We are all adults here. If you want to use profanity, use profanity. if you want to talk shit to someone, talk shit to someone. Nobody is getting banned here for using profanity or for talking shit.
I’ve had him on Super Ignore for a while, but I think I know the thread you are talking about because I couldn’t understand it at all. It was just a bunch of people replying to him, but I had no context since I couldn’t see his posts.

I thought Super Ignore was supposed to ghost the direct replies to his posts as well as his own posts?
It does. If people talk about him without quoting him it shows up, and if they get enough engagement (or just spam apparently) it can make a thread get weird, but that’s a small price to pay for the benefits.

If enough people do it unwanted posters will have a lousy experience and leave. We have the tools we need already.
Yeah, I knew exactly what thread on which I commented. I have absolutely no earthly idea how some of you supposed adults do not see why continuously whining about past moderation **on a board that no longer exists** is anything other than completely bizarre. How does *anyone* care THAT deeply to harbor resentment over ANYTHING said or done to them YEARS AGO on an online Internet forum. And for the record, yeah, I also don’t see how complaining about moderation on this board, when there is a handy dandy ignore function that actually works wonders, is helpful.

Tell you what...I'm still pretty pissed at TagTerp, StampedingTerp, Beowolf, and Statesmith from

Buncha twerps and wolpfackers every one of 'em.
Yes. We do. We are all adults here. If you want to use profanity, use profanity. if you want to talk shit to someone, talk shit to someone. Nobody is getting banned here for using profanity or for talking shit.
Eww we talking.
I don't ignore users, and I don't think anyone should be banned, regardless of politics, except for especially egregious chronic behavior (e.g., constant name calling, belittling, etc.).
Outside of actual threats, let it go. Use the super ignore feature. It's a message board. There are tons of keyboard crusaders out there. Just ignore if you don't want to engage with them.
There's a certain poster with a Slim Jim between his legs and coconut milk between his ears who decided to graffiti the board and completely ruin a thread.

Super ignore does nothing to prevent this POS from destroying others' experience on the board. The content of these posts was personal, accusatory and confrontational. The intellectual content of them is zero.

If there are no consequences for this behavior, then I will be reassessing whether this is a productive place to spend my time. It's only going to get worse. Give a MAGA an inch, and they will try to take a mile, always. It's why they are MAGA, after all -- they lack self-control and self-reflection, which have been squeezed out by the metastatic puerility to make room for more bullshit generators. Let this go and it will take not long at all for that to become the norm.
If everyone puts said poster on super ignore, isn't that equivalent to a ban?