Banning posters, redux

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God almighty, some of y'all simply are not happy unless you're feeling aggrieved about a friggin' internet message board, huh? How much more are we going to have to see posts crying and complaining about moderation on the old ZZLP? What kind of lives do some of y’all live where remembering slights on a damn message board from **years ago** occupies real estate in your heads in the year of our Lord 2024?
I have this same issue with my mother. She will bring up stuff from 20 years ago where she felt that she was taken advantage of.

I know I complain sometimes, bitch sometimes, and sometimes I'm not an easy person to talk with, but I hope I don't do this. If I do please call me out.
I suspect we'll still be seeing these same complaints years from now

Earlier today I buried several time capsules around sites that would likely be excavated for future construction. In those capsules I included hand written complaints about this board (and the former) along with screen captures. I left instructions to broadcast this information across whatever medium they may be utilizing.

It is my hope that the future inhabitants of this planet will understand the suffering we endured so they may prosper.
You posted on it.

I don't care about someone lying on a message board. I just posted this to give a massive thumbs up to the search function on this board. That early 2000's functionality should not overawe me as much as it does.
So, I forgot.
Earlier today I buried several time capsules around sites that would likely be excavated for future construction. In those capsules I included hand written complaints about this board (and the former) along with screen captures. I left instructions to broadcast this information across whatever medium they may be utilizing.

It is my hope that the future inhabitants of this planet will understand the suffering we endured so they may prosper.
God bless you.
Yeah, I knew exactly what thread on which I commented. I have absolutely no earthly idea how some of you supposed adults do not see why continuously whining about past moderation **on a board that no longer exists** is anything other than completely bizarre. How does *anyone* care THAT deeply to harbor resentment over ANYTHING said or done to them YEARS AGO on an online Internet forum. And for the record, yeah, I also don’t see how complaining about moderation on this board, when there is a handy dandy ignore function that actually works wonders, is helpful.
Yeah, every time I've read some comment here from conservatives about how "miserable" liberals supposedly are I always think back to the truly remarkable level of bitterness, bile, and resentment that just spewed out of some conservatives in the final two or three weeks of the old IC ZZLP. There were posters coming out of the woodwork, some of whom hadn't posted for years, some of whom had been banned (for pretty good reasons in most cases), and some who had never posted before on the board but who had clearly read it regularly for years, who just couldn't stop ranting about how liberal the board was, how mean everyone was to them and no one treated their posts and ideas with any respect, how happy they were it was being shut down, what a great "fuck you" it was to all ZZL liberals, and just on and on. Probably a fascinating display into right-wing grievances, should one ever decide to really look into it.
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