BOG will name new Chancellor Friday -- It's Lee Roberts

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UNC has 15-16 self identified Peer Institutions. Not one of them would let Lee roberts in their top100 for a chancellor search
But we did
Well we also hired recent football and basketball head coaches that weren’t on any of our peers’ radars either, so it seems to be a trend with UNC and high profile hires!

It will be nice to have a chancellor who can work with the state legislature and the BOG instead of one that is always caught up in disputes with them. And I think Roberts will do a great job of fundraising.

I’m proud of UNC because I figured they would let the faculty get their way and we’d end up hiring the most liberal person ever. Nice to see us choose a different path.
Yeah. Even though I'm probably a lot less critical than many/most other UNC supporters, and generally sincerely think that Roberts should be given every fair chance opportunity to succeed, I do agree with your point above that not a single one of the institutions whom we consider peers- much less the ones that are aspirant for us- would even consider, much less hire, a candidate like Roberts. Hopefully it all works out and he makes both UNC- and the folks who appointed him- look like geniuses. I'm certainly pulling hard for him and for UNC. Time will tell.
I Hope it works out . The good news is the Legislative leadership_bog/Bot (the same) likes him The bad news is he has Zero credentials for the job-like none
Well we also hired recent football and basketball head coaches that weren’t on any of our peers’ radars either, so it seems to be a trend with UNC and high profile hires!

It will be nice to have a chancellor who can work with the state legislature and the BOG instead of one that is always caught up in disputes with them. And I think Roberts will do a great job of fundraising.

I’m proud of UNC because I figured they would let the faculty get their way and we’d end up hiring the most liberal person ever. Nice to see us choose a different path.
Would be better if we didn't have a legislature trying to destroy public education
Well we also hired recent football and basketball head coaches that weren’t on any of our peers’ radars either, so it seems to be a trend with UNC and high profile hires!

It will be nice to have a chancellor who can work with the state legislature and the BOG instead of one that is always caught up in disputes with them. And I think Roberts will do a great job of fundraising.

I’m proud of UNC because I figured they would let the faculty get their way and we’d end up hiring the most liberal person ever. Nice to see us choose a different path.
The football and basketball coaches wouldn’t have been on our peers’ radar, but both of them had at least worked in the profession before.
I Hope it works out . The good news is the Legislative leadership_bog/Bot (the same) likes him The bad news is he has Zero credentials for the job-like none
It's true that he does have zero academic credentials, but the Chief Academic Officer of a major public research university like UNC is the Provost. And we have a really dang good one in Chris Clemens.

Where UNC needs someone like Roberts to excel is in raising money, as state support continues to decline year over year. I think I've shared on here before but when I started at UNC as a freshman in 2009, the university received around 44% of its annual operating revenue from state appropriations. Last year it was down to about 19% and it will likely continue to fall. If someone like Roberts can help get more of UNC's wealthier alumni to engage philanthropically with UNC, it would be a big deal.

UNC punches above its weight class (by that I mean we are a relatively small flagship public university with a lot of alums who go into more public service-type careers) in overall fundraising, but it may surprise a lot of folks to know that a substantial portion of UNC's fundraising prowess is from corporate foundations, private foundations, research grants, etc. as opposed to individual alumni donors. By contrast, a school like UVA far outpaces UNC when it comes to individual alumni and parent fundraising.
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He’s being groomed to run for Governor or US Senate after he “cleans up” leftist UNC.
That may be true, but UNC has a ton of highly-sought after faculty that are currently at UNC despite the fact that they could make significantly more money at most of our peer and aspirant institutions, like UVA, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Princeton, and so on. If we start losing those faculty members in even larger numbers than we have been over the last several years, and if it’s a continued result of dissatisfaction with university leadership and political meddling, we will drop in the rankings, and I can’t imagine that it would be a feather in Roberts’ cap to have presided over UNC falling out of the top 10 public school rankings for the first time ever.
Well we also hired recent football and basketball head coaches that weren’t on any of our peers’ radars either, so it seems to be a trend with UNC and high profile hires!

It will be nice to have a chancellor who can work with the state legislature and the BOG instead of one that is always caught up in disputes with them. And I think Roberts will do a great job of fundraising.

I’m proud of UNC because I figured they would let the faculty get their way and we’d end up hiring the most liberal person ever. Nice to see us choose a different path.
Yeah cause working with our hur-de-dur state legislature is a better path to a higher stature in academic station and progress

Clearly not following an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality”. Just a bunch of dangerous meddlers screwing with the reputation of MY university and the value of MY diploma. All for the sake of some political bent.
, the university received around 44% of its annual operating revenue from state appropriations. Last year it was down to about 19%
I "wonder" about funding trends for the College of Arts and Sciences The overall Univ numbers are likely a reflection of the massive increase in Research/clinical income????And the research and clinical side really no longer needs much Tax money
The feedback from faculty has been surprisingly positive for the most part. That was part of why he got the permanent job. Having a guy who can have some pull with BOG and State legislature might be a positive, but we need to be vigilant he doesn't screw things up.
He wrote this as an op-ed. Sounds nice. Let's see how it unveils over time.

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