Do you have a favorite cable news political host ?

Not a huge fan of any cable news hosts. The majority of them are akin to the editorial page of the old newspaper. That said, you do get a lot more and quicker reporting of major stories on cable news.

If I had to pick one that I really like, it would be Smerconish. He is not on a lot, and I think he only has one hour long show on CNN Saturday mornings.

I don't agree with him on everything but that is not the point. He discusses issues, with factual details, and presents his viewpoints. He responds in real time (emails sent in during show) before the show ends.

He is opinionated but factual, open minded, and doesn't always fall on one side of the aisle.

Of course his opinions are not for everyone, but it is still a good show. There should be much more like it on cable, rather than the other 98% propaganda shows and echo chambers.
No love for Pamela Brown? I usually only tune in to cable news for breaking news stories since I don't do social media, but when I do happen to tune in briefly to just have something on in the background, I find that Pamela isn't afraid to hold her GQP guest feet to the fire when they spout their BS.
No love for Pamela Brown? I usually only tune in to cable news for breaking news stories since I don't do social media, but when I do happen to tune in briefly to just have something on in the background, I find that Pamela isn't afraid to hold her GQP guest feet to the fire when they spout their BS.
She's also a Tar Heel.
Just curious who you might appreciate or respect enough to call a favorite . . ?

I am a big fan of Maddow, but, she's only on once a week these days. I regularly tune in to Ari Melber's 6 PM broadcast and will also hardly ever miss Lawrence O'Donnell's 10 o'clock show . .

Your thoughts . . ?
hands down... no question... Jake Tapper.
Just curious who you might appreciate or respect enough to call a favorite . . ?

I am a big fan of Maddow, but, she's only on once a week these days. I regularly tune in to Ari Melber's 6 PM broadcast and will also hardly ever miss Lawrence O'Donnell's 10 o'clock show . .

Your thoughts . . ?
Don't watch enough to really rate. Only two I regularly watch are Maddow and Velshi.