Bloc aims to build up military-industrial complex to deter Russia and brace for the U.S. shift away from Europe.
United States arms-makers are being frozen out of the European Union’s massive new defense spending plan, which aims to splash the cash for EU and allied countries, according to defense
spending plans released Wednesday.
Also left out — for now — is the United Kingdom.
“We must buy more European. Because that means strengthening the European defense technological and industrial base,” said Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in announcing the Readiness 2030 program.
In a bid to strengthen ties with allies, Brussels involved countries like South Korea and Japan and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in its program that could see as much as €800 billion spent on defense.
“We need to see not only Russia as a threat, but also ... more global geopolitical developments and where Americans will put their strategic attention,” European Defense Commissioner Andrius Kubilius told reporters.
In recent years, about two-thirds of EU procurement orders have gone to
U.S. defense companies.