If it would just get resources to a warehouse (like trump said in the video) and that ended their involvement then that would be an improvement. its the "coordinating" that becomes the problem. In the first disaster (Hugo) I went through, and participated in, I honestly don't remember fema's involvement. We did have thousands of people from multiple states, numerous charities, and numerous corporate volunteers and contributions involved. The cities of Charleston, N. Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Hanahan, Summerville, etc. were fantastic, as was the state g'ment. Things moved rapidly. I don't think fema could have caused things to happen any faster. I was both impacted by it and a participant in the rebuilding process. Almost all g'ment red tape was sidelined for a period of time. Shit just flowed faster than I could have ever imagined and was caught off guard on the rebuilding side because I expected g'ment red tape to take longer. Effective governors have the ability to move mountains when they have the financial resources.