Friendly reminder about Trump and MAGA

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Re: TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome. I realize it was some cockamamie B.S. to "describe" the libs who were/are interminably upset with all things trumpian... but I think that sword cuts the other way more assuredly. TDS more fully describes those Maga who've swallowed all of the KoolAid, those who've allowed trump to grab their pu$$ies, those who literally wanted him to shoot somebody on 5th Ave and still vote for him, just to make his prediction come true. THAT is what is mentally unstable. THOSE are the ones who are deranged. THEY are the deplorables. MAGA are the ones who truly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. HY, Calla, etc. etc.

Folks like Super and others - with much more sense than to vote for the orange one - don't suffer from anything other than lamenting the fact of having 4 more years of the cretin in the White House.

No, TDS is a label assigned to Magas... not Progressives.
The difference between those of us who supported Harris and those who supported trump is that we already know we lost, the trumpers haven’t realized they’ve lost too.
Maybe we should wait to see what actually happens over the next 4 years before deciding how bad it is?
Saw your Sam Harris quote tagline. Have you listened to his post-election podcast from last week? Just curious. I found it pretty level-headed and realistic, compared to most other recent commentary, which has been the opposite of level-headed and realistic.

His outlook is pretty grim. As is mine.
Maybe we should wait to see what actually happens over the next 4 years before deciding how bad it is?
Trump nominated a guy for SECDEF who is demonstrably less qualified for the job than me. He’s likely to do the same for AG. Not much waiting required, as my life and livelihood are directly impacted by decisions like these. I don’t have the luxury of waiting and seeing how this goes when it already appears cataclysmic.
Trump nominated a guy for SECDEF who is demonstrably less qualified for the job than me. He’s likely to do the same for AG. Not much waiting required.
And as an aside I would say you are much more qualified to be Chancellor of UNC than the guy Art pope installed
Saw your Sam Harris quote tagline. Have you listened to his post-election podcast from last week? Just curious. I found it pretty level-headed and realistic, compared to most other recent commentary, which has been the opposite of level-headed and realistic.

His outlook is pretty grim. As is mine.
I listen to nearly everything he releases on his podcast. He and Ezra Klein are my go-to left of center "minds" because they are generally level-headed.

Sam is, and always has been, anti-Trump and very concerned about what he may do to the country. I don't agree with the doom and gloom.
Trump nominated a guy for SECDEF who is demonstrably less qualified for the job than me. He’s likely to do the same for AG. Not much waiting required, as my life and livelihood are directly impacted by decisions like these. I don’t have the luxury of waiting and seeing how this goes when it already appears cataclysmic.
Was he at least a community organizer ;)
I listen to nearly everything he releases on his podcast. He and Ezra Klein are my go-to left of center "minds" because they are generally level-headed.

Sam is, and always has been, anti-Trump and very concerned about what he may do to the country. I don't agree with the doom and gloom.
I am generally a very optimistic person by nature, so I also don’t agree with all of the doom and gloom and apocalyptic forecasting. It’s not going to be pleasant by any means, but I also don’t think it’s going to be some republic-ending catastrophe either. That said, this is what you wanted. You said so yourself that you preferred a Trump administration to a Harris administration, so it’s no wonder that you don’t see the doom and gloom that others might see. Why would you? This is what you said you wanted.

Again, I am not feeling doom and gloom myself for several reasons, not the least of which being that, despite all of our flaws, I find the United States of America to be a generally resilient country. We’ve got an unhinged lunatic at the helm in the Oval Office, and he might have a whole gaggle of sinister assholes around him in his administration, but the federal government is still enormous, the country itself is even larger, and there are far, far more good, decent Americans who want to work to keep our experiment ongoing. He can and probably will do a lot of damage, but it’s nothing that I believe to be ultimately fatal or catastrophic.

That said, there is no way that you can see the nomination of a friggin’ Fox News host with less experience than a standard E-6 being the civilian leader of the most lethal force in the world, at a time when global tensions are been since the 1930s, and think that everything is going just peachy.
There is little reason for you to worry about Trump... assuming you are white and a citizen of the United States.

Just buy a red MAGA hat, Trump gold basketball shoes, a Trump bible, and a few Trump gold coins, and you should be able to survive the next 4-10 years...
But don't forget to hang that picture of the Dear Leader prominently in your living room!
Seriously. He needs to seek out some counseling. TDS is real. If not he is going to wind up being committed.
But is he wrong? I was expecting bad things from Trump in his first term and it was much worse than I imagined.
I am expecting much worse for his second term, only time will tell if I am right or wrong.
I am generally a very optimistic person by nature, so I also don’t agree with all of the doom and gloom and apocalyptic forecasting. It’s not going to be pleasant by any means, but I also don’t think it’s going to be some republic-ending catastrophe either. That said, this is what you wanted. You said so yourself that you preferred a Trump administration to a Harris administration, so it’s no wonder that you don’t see the doom and gloom that others might see. Why would you? This is what you said you wanted.

Again, I am not feeling doom and gloom myself for several reasons, not the least of which being that, despite all of our flaws, I find the United States of America to be a generally resilient country. We’ve got an unhinged lunatic at the helm in the Oval Office, and he might have a whole gaggle of sinister assholes around him in his administration, but the federal government is still enormous, the country itself is even larger, and there are far, far more good, decent Americans who want to work to keep our experiment ongoing. He can and probably will do a lot of damage, but it’s nothing that I believe to be ultimately fatal or catastrophic.

That said, there is no way that you can see the nomination of a friggin’ Fox News host with less experience than a standard E-6 being the civilian leader of the most lethal force in the world, at a time when global tensions are been since the 1930s, and think that everything is going just peachy.
I have absolutely no idea who the guy is or what are his qualifications. The reaction has been negative, apparently based on his resume. Let's hope he's smart and has smart people around him.

I believe that people are generally good and, when pushed to do something truly harmful, will resist.

Do I not see the doom and gloom because I preferred a Trump win or did I prefer a Trump win because I generally don't see doom and gloom?

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The only thing that gives me some hopium is that he's so fucking old...

If he were in his 60s I would be way more terrified of him not joking and staying in office for decades
I give you JD Vance and his tech-bro supporters, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.
So Trump is going to nominate Matt Gaetz as Attorney General.
For the people who voted for Trump, is this something worse than you can imagine? I certainly never imaged his AG pick would be that bad.