Friendly reminder about Trump and MAGA

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Legend of ZZL
There is no bottom. Thus, they will do things so bad that we can't even imagine. That has been the theme with Trump all along, from the beginning. No matter how bad you think he will be, he ends up worse. It's easy to understand why -- he is a deranged, diseased mind in a way that most of us are not. It's like predicting what Jeffrey Dahmer might do.

It's important to remember this because he's already proven it. The election was last week, and he's already stooped lower than anyone thought. Who here anticipated a Fox News host as Secretary of Defense?

It's going to get very, very, very bad.
I am trying to figure out a way to protect myself from the shit that is coming. I have every expectation that I will lose my job.

I work for an institute at UNC but we rely to some extent on university funding. I figure if (when) we lose funding, that means things have gotten really bad. I don't know how accurate that assumption is.

I've thought about making a bet against the US economy as a hedge. I would not do that now but instead wait for a signal that Trump is really going to do all of the things he says he is going to do. One possibility is a put option on an index fund. Of course, I could lose my job and the hedge not pay off which would be the worst of all but at that point things will be so bad that I won't care about the money I put into the hedge.

I have moved a lot of my retirement to cash. Could easily lose out on significant gains but I may need some of that money far sooner than I would expect. (I would have to pay the taxes and 10% penalty but you do what you have to do.)
No kids, no granddkids, retired, house is paid for, car is paid for, got a pension, got SS, got a little nest egg at Edward Jones that is 50/50 in terms of modestly aggressive/safe investments (safe from market "corrections"), got Medicare/Humana, passport is up to date, speak a little German and have friends in Germany and Switzerland, Wife is fluent in Spanish with contacts near Valencia...

I say: bring it on trump... do your worst. Our little bungalow we paid $70,000 for in 1996 will sell for $1/4 mil. tomorrow, no sweat. Cabin in Roan Mtn TN about the same (with the land). Crate up the dogs and cat and sail away. Fuck all the morons in the U.S.
No kids, no granddkids, retired, house is paid for, car is paid for, got a pension, got SS, got a little nest egg at Edward Jones that is 50/50 in terms of modestly aggressive/safe investments (safe from market "corrections"), got Medicare/Humana, passport is up to date, speak a little German and have friends in Germany and Switzerland, Wife is fluent in Spanish with contacts near Valencia...

I say: bring it on trump... do your worst. Our little bungalow we paid $70,000 for in 1996 will sell for $1/4 mil. tomorrow, no sweat. Cabin in Roan Mtn TN about the same (with the land). Crate up the dogs and cat and sail away. Fuck all the morons in the U.S.
There is little reason for you to worry about Trump... assuming you are white and a citizen of the United States.

Just buy a red MAGA hat, Trump gold basketball shoes, a Trump bible, and a few Trump gold coins, and you should be able to survive the next 4-10 years...
There is little reason for you to worry about Trump assuming you are white and a citizen of the United States.

Just buy a red MAGA hat, Trump gold basketball shoes, a Trump bible, and a few Trump gold coins, and you should be able to survive the next 4-10 years...
Yeah, but if you have the means to leave, the degradation of self, the kowtowing, is a higher price to pay, for some.
I've thought about making a bet against the US economy as a hedge. I would not do that now but instead wait for a signal that Trump is really going to do all of the things he says he is going to do. One possibility is a put option on an index fund. Of course, I could lose my job and the hedge not pay off which would be the worst of all but at that point things will be so bad that I won't care about the money I put into the hedge.
Don't do that. Hedging high oil prices is easy. Hedging macroeconomic trends is hard. And hedging against US economy collapse is even harder.

Back in the 2000s, when the subprime machine was running, you could buy credit default swaps on almost everything. Fannie? CDS, for sure. Any corporate debt issue? Yes.

Except the US debt. There was not much of a market there. And the reason is that any event that causes a debt default could very well cause the counterparty to go insolvent. In other words, that CDS wasn't eliminating the risk; it was just transforming the risk from asset default to counterparty default.

In many ways, hedging against the US economy is like buying nuclear war insurance. Even if you have it, what good does it do among the carnage? You're not necessarily talking about hedging against collapse, but the point is that there are a lot of factors to consider that you don't even know to be factors. By no means do I know all the relevant factors and I used to teach finance. Your hedge is likely to be of limited effectiveness and probably costly.
The only thing that gives me some hopium is that he's so fucking old...

If he were in his 60s I would be way more terrified of him not joking and staying in office for decades
Re: TDS - Trump Derangement Syndrome. I realize it was some cockamamie B.S. to "describe" the libs who were/are interminably upset with all things trumpian... but I think that sword cuts the other way more assuredly. TDS more fully describes those Maga who've swallowed all of the KoolAid, those who've allowed trump to grab their pu$$ies, those who literally wanted him to shoot somebody on 5th Ave and still vote for him, just to make his prediction come true. THAT is what is mentally unstable. THOSE are the ones who are deranged. THEY are the deplorables. MAGA are the ones who truly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. HY, Calla, etc. etc.

Folks like Super and others - with much more sense than to vote for the orange one - don't suffer from anything other than lamenting the fact of having 4 more years of the cretin in the White House.

No, TDS is a label assigned to Magas... not Progressives.