Growing up Gen-X

I miss watching my teachers roll a two hundred pound television strapped on a cart into the classroom knowing we were about to watch the ACC tournament. The Les Robinson Invitational... quarterfinal Friday... money has ruined college athletics and the ACC in particular.
Quarterfinal Friday of the ACCT was the third best day of school...behind the first and the last.
These days, there are so many superhero movies and TV series that it’s complete oversaturation. I’m not into them as an adult— and my kids aren’t really into them either— but I did love superheroes as a kid and am kind of jealous all these movies and series now exist.

All we Gen Xers had was the Incredible Hulk TV series starring Bill Bixby (which I absolutely loved when I was young), the Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve (which I also loved; at least the first two), the Wonder Woman TV series starring Lynda Carter, reruns of the 1960s Batman TV series, a couple made-for-TV live action Spider-Man movies that originally aired in the late-70s, Shazam! on Saturday mornings, and the Super Friends cartoon on Saturday mornings.
These days, there are so many superhero movies and TV series that it’s complete oversaturation. I’m not into them as an adult— and my kids aren’t really into them either— but I did love superheroes as a kid and am kind of jealous all these movies and series now exist.

All we Gen Xers had was the Incredible Hulk TV series starring Bill Bixby (which I absolutely loved when I was young), the Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve (which I also loved; at least the first two), the Wonder Woman TV series starring Lynda Carter, reruns of the 1960s Batman TV series, a couple made-for-TV live action Spider-Man movies that originally aired in the late-70s, Shazam! on Saturday mornings, and the Super Friends cartoon on Saturday mornings.
It was a mystery then, too.

As an aside, my cousin was so stoked to get his Superman costume that he insisted on wearing it home. At some point after they got home, he almost knocked himself out by running full force into a door because he wanted to demonstrate his Superman powers. They thought they might have to take him to the hospital b/c he was so dazed at first, but I guess he shook it off enough for 1970s parenting to just put him to bed once he could see straight. LOL.
The ‘50’s, ‘60’s, and ‘70’s concussion protocol was rigorous as hell.

Adult: “How many fingers am I holding up?” (3)

Kid’s response: “Four.”

Adult: “You’re fine. Go and play.” Picks up martini/beer/G&T