Growing up Gen-X

We have a 3 yr old. I hope we let ours roam, but will any friend's folks let the friend roam too?. I wonder if we'll end up sticking an Apple AirTag inside a shoe. I hope not.
There's nothing wrong with knowing where your kids are. You can let them roam and still be cautious.

We let our kids roam, but where we have lived, they didn't have the opportunity that I had as a child. But we did make the effort, we took them to parks and camping as much as possible.
We have a 3 yr old. I hope we let ours roam, but will any friend's folks let the friend roam too?. I wonder if we'll end up sticking an Apple AirTag inside a shoe. I hope not.
I did exactly this - and then later apple watch with gps (and then finally, reluctantly, cellphone). It let us give my kids some freedom which is important in the maturation process, but also some peace of mind and safety for my wife and I.
Why does the Superman costume come with a mask? Superman doesn’t wear a mask.
It was a mystery then, too.

As an aside, my cousin was so stoked to get his Superman costume that he insisted on wearing it home. At some point after they got home, he almost knocked himself out by running full force into a door because he wanted to demonstrate his Superman powers. They thought they might have to take him to the hospital b/c he was so dazed at first, but I guess he shook it off enough for 1970s parenting to just put him to bed once he could see straight. LOL.
It was a mystery then, too.

As an aside, my cousin was so stoked to get his Superman costume that he insisted on wearing it home. At some point after they got home, he almost knocked himself out by running full force into a door because he wanted to demonstrate his Superman powers. They thought they might have to take him to the hospital b/c he was so dazed at first, but I guess he shook it off enough for 1970s parenting to just put him to bed once he could see straight. LOL.
Anyone else remember the ammonia tablets they used to give football players (cracked open under their nose) to wake them up after getting knocked out? And then they would go back in the game?
I miss watching my teachers roll a two hundred pound television strapped on a cart into the classroom knowing we were about to watch the ACC tournament. The Les Robinson Invitational... quarterfinal Friday... money has ruined college athletics and the ACC in particular.