Jeff Jackson - Future of the Democratic party

Dan Bishop’s attack ads against Jackson were child’s play compared to what Republicans would do if they thought he were a serious threat to win federal office. He will be the most liberal socialist son of a bitch since Ilhan Omar.
And then in 2022 Schumer apparently supported Beasley over Jackson because he thought that NC's black voters would prefer a dull as dishwater black candidate over a more dynamic white male candidate.
If you think that Jackson has a great future, then keeping him away from the 2022 campaign was a great idea. Before Dobbs, 2022 was shaping up to be a bloodbath. Beasley was a sacrificial lamb. Beasley is the type of person you run in elections that you don't think you can win, to build cred with the party base.

If you have a star in the making, don't blow him on unwinnable races. Otherwise you end up with Beto and Stacey Abrams, neither of whom have any future in American politics. Mayor Pete was smart enough to know he had to get out of Indiana. He's used his time in DC to relocate to Michigan and he will be running either for gov or Senator there in short order. I think (though am not sure) that Big Gretch is term limited. Expect Pete to make a push.

Run the future stars in good national environments to give them a track record of success and some incumbency. Running Jackson in 22 would have been a mistake.