Again, the GOP is nothing but identity politics. That's why Trump was driving around in a garbage truck. MAGA is, in essence, nothing but identity politics. There's certainly no policy there, and to the extent there is, it's wildly unpopular.
Plus, we see that identity politics in full display here by every MAGA poster. It's a non-stop litany of "you bad liberals don't respect me and that's why we vote for Trump." At least a dozen times, have I seen people say exactly that: "keep it up, liberals, this is why we vote for Trump." That is literally identity politics.
MAGA is all about affinity. People who like Trump do so because they identify with him. That's why he says things like, "I will be your retribution." What exactly do you think that is?
Identity politics isn't just something that minorities do. Identity politics was literally invented by white people. What do you think Jim Crow was? Why do you think Southerners flipped from Dem to Pub in response to the Civil Rights Act? It's all identity politics, all the time.