Yeah, that's exactly what she should have said. In politics, flip-flopping is no longer an issue -- JD Vance proved that. Just say loudly that you don't support government funded sex change operations.Nobody on here said it wasn’t an effective ad or an effective line of attack. What we are saying is that it is the *Republican Party* who is bizarrely obsessed with transgender people, not the Democratic Party. Look at the couple of Trump voter posters we have here- it’s quite literally all a couple of them talk about.
And anyway once that ad came out, what on earth was Kamala supposed to say? “Actually no we don’t support sex change surgeries on prison inmates, oh and by the way it was actually under the Trump administration where this policy was put in place”? Yeah, I’m sure so many of the people who would believe the Trump ad would also believe the Kamala rebuttal.
Republicans win on the transgender issue because there’s literally no effective defense that can be mounted by the Democrats other than stone cold silence on it. But stone cold silence on the issue causes the Democrats to be in between a rock and a hard place; they either lose the election because they lose moderates, or they lose the election because they lose progressives AND don’t actually sway any moderate voters anyway.
In general, I thought Kamala's biggest liability was being part of the administration. I really wanted Andy Beshear to run. But Biden made sure that wouldn't happen with whatever backroom deal he cut with Kamala. And apparently, Kamala thought that meant that she couldn't put any daylight between herself and Joe on just about any issue. In the end, I think it would have been very tough for any Democrat to convince the male Latino voters in PA, AZ and NV and the male Arab voters in MI that Democrats weren't responsible for inflation/Gaza, but Kamala's campaign strategy made that basically impossible. And not playing defense on the trans issue didn't help. You can't campaign scared.