Mark Robinson thread | Sues CNN for Naked Africa reporting

I’m so glad I got the hell out of the Republican Party when I did in 2020. I cannot even remotely imagine being someone who casts a vote for a party full of freaks and perverts. Robinson is essentially your standard edition MAGA Republican politician in 2024. He happens to be the one in the news right now, but this is how they pretty much all are.
This Robinson stuff only confirms what, based on following political, religious, and cultural news stories, and on my own personal experience growing up in a country, fundamentalist Baptist church and being surrounded by cultural conservatives for a long time, is my belief that a majority of Religious Right conservatives are hypocrites in some way, and often of the highest order. As others have said, almost every Religious Right accusation is a confession, and projection is a way of life with them. If a member of the Religious Right accuses a Democrat of doing something, you can be damn sure that they are already doing it themselves in private, or are thinking of doing so.

There are plenty of videos of Robinson speaking in churches around the state for the past four years, and it's now painfully obvious that nearly everything he preached against in these churches he was privately doing himself all along. And I'm more convinced than ever that that is the case with the great majority of Evangelical conservatives. Maybe not to the extent of Robinson, but in some way they're nearly always projecting their own desires and private actions onto Democrats.
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This Robinson stuff only confirms what, based on following political, religious, and cultural news stories, and on my own personal experience growing up in a country, fundamentalist Baptist church and being surrounded by cultural conservatives for a long time, is my belief that a majority of Religious Right conservatives are hypocrites in some way, and often of the highest order. As others have said, almost every Religious Right accusation is a confession, and projection is a way of life with them. If a member of the Religious Right accuses a Democrat of doing something, you can be damn sure that they are already doing it themselves in private, or are thinking of doing so. There are plenty of videos of Robinson speaking in churches around the state for the past four years, and it's now painfully obvious that nearly everything he preached against in these churches he was privately doing it himself all along. And I'm more convinced than ever that that is the case with the great majority of them. Maybe not to extent of Robinson, but in some way they're nearly always projecting their own desires and private actions onto Democrats.
That is, the church is often just their cover.
This Robinson stuff only confirms what, based on following political, religious, and cultural news stories, and on my own personal experience growing up in a country, fundamentalist Baptist church and being surrounded by cultural conservatives for a long time, is my belief that a majority of Religious Right conservatives are hypocrites in some way, and often of the highest order. As others have said, almost every Religious Right accusation is a confession, and projection is a way of life with them. If a member of the Religious Right accuses a Democrat of doing something, you can be damn sure that they are already doing it themselves in private, or are thinking of doing so. There are plenty of videos of Robinson speaking in churches around the state for the past four years, and it's now painfully obvious that nearly everything he preached against in these churches he was privately doing it himself all along. And I'm more convinced than ever that that is the case with the great majority of them. Maybe not to extent of Robinson, but in some way they're nearly always projecting their own desires and private actions onto Democrats.
They project it all because they think if they attack others then it will keep the eyes off them for doing the same thing.