Michelle Morrow -NC GOP Secretary of Ed Candidate, Lunatic

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The goal from right wingers everywhere is to kill public schools and replace them with charter schools. See what has happened in New Orleans. The urban schools are the first target. The party who is primarily rural and white does not want to have their tax money used to pay for others’ education. Plus they can strip local control from the schools and keep it at the mercy of their gerrymandered state governments. And in charters they can put whoever they want as a teacher (certified or not) and fire the ones they don’t want so much easier.

New Orleans has been killing public education for decades, long before charter schools were even a thing, mostly by being so abjectly terrible that people converted religions so they could pay for their kids to go to Catholic school. Black or white, rich or or poor, if you cared about your kid, you sent them to a private and now a charter in New Orleans. It's a badly run city and that carries over to the the school system.
Morrow beat the incumbent Republican Sec’y of Education Catherine Truitt in the primary somehow.
Yeah, in a very crowded field for that slot. I think Truitt thought she had it in the bag and didn't campaign too hard. I don't even recall seeing a sign for her in my area during primary season. I've heard Truitt speak in my capacity as an educator - she's a significantly better state super than the previous dude, Mark Johnson. Neither compares to June Atkinson, but she was a definite upgrade to that position over Johnson.