Oh, there’s that’s sweet, sweet projection that we all know and love from you, Roy! Maybe try to remove the tip of Trump’s mushroom from the back of your throat long enough to read up on the classical conservatism of Eisenhower and Nixon and Reagan and Bush and McCain and Romney, and then come back like a good little boy and present a book report to the rest of the class on what you learned about how you and Donald Trump are not conservatives.
By the way, you have no idea how much satisfaction I am getting out of knowing that it strikes such a nerve with you. I don’t have very many talents or gifts in life, but I certainly have one for knowing exactly where to push buttons where stupid people are feeling their most insecure and vulnerable. Seriously, every time that little red number lights up in the upper right hand part of my screen on the homepage of the board, and I see that it is you, it feels like Christmas morning.