What in the world are you trying to argue? My guy, if the one man to whom you are referring- who does not have a single conservative bone in his entire bloated, obese, orange painted body –causes the entire conservative movement and the entire Republican Party to capitulate like beta cuck bitches and completely abandoned conservatism, then you are goddamn right it is imperative for anyone like me who cares about conservative principles to oppose that person in that party. Do you even have any idea of what you are arguing? You are literally saying that one person is more important than an entire multiple hundred year-old movement!
Here’s what happened. I voted for Donald Trump in 2016. Over the course of his first presidency, I started to realize, hey you know what, goddamn, this motherfucker doesn’t stand for any of the shit I have claimed to believe in my entire life. I guess I won’t vote for him the next time, or the next time! See how easy that was?
Now here is what you did. You claimed to be a conservative, and then when Trump proved himself to be the complete antithesis of classical American conservatism, instead of looking yourself in the mirror and doing some introspective soul-searching, you decided to double down and then triple down and break out your most comfortable kneepads. Some fucking principled conservative you are.
The reasons you like Donald Trump are the exact same reasons as to why you are not conservative. You think that conservatism means pissing down your leg afraid of the fact that transgender people might exist or that people may use pronouns to identify themselves. That’s what you think conservatism is. You think conservatism is gaining power and then being able to completely run roughshod over the United States constitution and the entire federal government just for shits and giggles. You think conservatism is being the biggest, loudest, most belligerent, most bellicose bully in the room.
Here is what I believe conservatism is. I believe it is sticking by your principles even when it is not convenient. I believe it is sticking by your principles even when your party or your party’s presidential candidate are completely antithetical to everything you believe in. I believe conservatism is commitment to free trade and free markets. I believe conservatism is commitment to preserving individual liberties and personal freedoms, even when we don’t agree with those liberties and freedoms. I believe conservatism is projecting peace through strength, not through being the loudest cage rattling monkey. I believe conservatism is a deep seated respect for the military and law enforcement, and not just win we think they are aligned with our political persuasions. I believe conservatism is protecting the right of every other human being to identify how they want, live how they want, etc., even when we don’t understand or agree with their choices. I believe conservatism is following the letter of the law spelled out in the United States Constitution, even when it’s inconvenient. I believe conservatism means protecting your right to say the dumbest, most outlandish, most asinine bullshit you can possibly spew even when I hate it and disagree with it with every fiber of my being. I believe conservatism means that government should be as small as is possible while being able to effectively and efficiently improve life for the overwhelming vast majority of its citizens. I believe conservatism means that every single able bodied soul should work but that we should also provide helping hands up, not necessarily handouts, to the least fortunate among us. I believe conservatism means adhering to biblical principles of loving your neighbors, sheltering the immigrant, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and healing the sick. I believe conservatism means maintaining a strong and secure national border, while advocating for a quick, efficient, inhumane system of legal immigration to allow the best and the brightest and the hardest working from around the world to come to the United States of America to make their lives and our lives better.
We can agree and disagree of actual policy principle. Lots of liberals disagree with one another and lots of conservatives disagree with one another on matters of policy. Where you and I disagree is not policy, but rather conviction. My conviction for my conservative principles runs a hell of a lot deeper than anyone political candidate or anyone political moment in time. Your conviction for your conservative principles got surrendered faster than the French at Dunkirk the moment that someone arrived on the scene and made you feel better about how much you hate people who don’t adhere to the narrowminded way in which you think people should live or be governed.