On Board Decorum

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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You are probably right that I give super more leeway than a poster like GT, since super has added to the information flow and GT has brought his longtime trolling schtick here from IC. He did get much more angry since the election, I will grant you that. I also listen to posters like you because I think you add value to the board and I have learned from your posts. That has never once happened with GT.
I appreciate your efforts. I hope super gets the help he needs. I find GT's posts superfluous but he's clever enough not to use gross vulgarity.
If you can't handle other people calling out BS then just say you are a weak willed person. By the way, nice to start a post chastising me about name calling by calling me a name.

This whole thing started when some posters, including GT, attacked super's posting style and took some personal shots at him when GT himself has been called out on every board he's posted on as being a troll. The guy had everyone on the longest running, most benign thread in ZZL history pissed off at him. He made a slew of sarcastic responses to super and when super showed up on this thread to explain how those kind of comments impacted him I tried to support him since he's a long time quality poster. GT took the opportunity to tell him to leave the board yet again and added a whine about how he was treated on the old ZZLP. So I decided to respond because I want super to post here and GT has polluted all of these boards with his tripe. If you don't know the history, and again I don't know your username from IC, then you are speaking about things you don't understand.
If Super so elects, he can speak for himself, but I don't think you are totally correct about what precipitated his recent departure.
So on the decorum thread you are saying you are ok with posters driving another poster, who has been open about his mental health issues by the way, to punch a wall by taking personal pot shots at him but if someone uses a few curse words to respond to that it's over the line. I am completely under control and your concern there is not needed.
I've never seen GT make insulting, vulgar posts toward others. If Super is so fragile, then perhaps he shouldn't engage people in the way that he does. I've seen a lot of "go eff yourself" recently from him.

If you were under control you wouldn't have lashed out in this thread for "reasons".
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At this point we've devolved into personal bickering.

The point, one that we all should agree on, is that we can communicate without it reaching a point a moderator has to step in.

I don't believe that is too much to ask. And there are tools to help.

I will do my best to meet the requested decorum standards. I really appreciate the work that @Rock and @nycfan and others do to keep this board available and interesting.
I've never seen GT make insulting, vulgar posts toward others. If Super is so fragile, than perhaps he shouldn't engage people in the way that he does. I've seen a lot of "go eff yourself" recently from him.

If you were under control you wouldn't have lashed out in this thread for "reasons".
I'm always a little skeptical of those who didn't keep their IC handle, particularly if they aren't willing to share what it was. Like what are you hiding? If you didn't come from IC you are way out of your depth on this subject.
Over the years, I have found incredible value lurking on this board, and the experience has improved considerably since its split from IC. Most of the credit for this goes to Rock and nycfan, who have made this board what it is.

One of the ways it has improved is that, while I don't have a view of how the sausage is made behind the scenes, there seems to be a lighter touch applied during moderation. For that to continue, we have to self-moderate ourselves, and make sure that our internet squabbles don't have a corrosive effect on the threads and the board overall.

So if the key moderator reminds us of our collective responsibility, the collective reaction should be, "Yup - you're right - got it going forward." Independent of whether we can use curse words, etc.

They key issue here is how we react to one (maybe more) troll who has already posted on this thread. The best way to treat a troll has always been that you starve him from the attention he craves. If you feel the need to respond to this person in a less than decorous way, please consider using super-ignore instead. Doing so is not a sign of weak character, but rather an assertion that the overall tenor of the board improves for all if we simply don't respond to the chum.
Good post.

I should stop here, but of course I'm not gonna. Ignore is a friend, and super-ignore is a best friend. I don't use ignore/superignore as a means of sheltering myself from views and opinions that make me uncomfortable. On a daily, maybe hourly, pace I am deluged with news and opinions I just don't want to hear and cannot ignore.

I hope the following admission doesn't get me banned or universally ignored, but most of my posts are the social media equivalent of bad "Dad Jokes." About one post out of twenty or one out of a hundred will contain some factual tidbit that I think illuminates the topic at hand, but in reality is so obvious that no one but me felt it even needed to be raised.

The remainder are just inane comments posted for my own amusement. And I know on occasion I have responded in anger and I apologize for those moments. Not an excuse, but an explanation: sometimes I read on this board a piece of tripe I have heard so many times, in occasions where for family, etiquette, or professional reasons I just have to remain silent, that it is borderline therapeutic for me to be able to lash out at what seems to be a purposeful bit of disinformation or a willful regurgitation of some particularly noxious belief or attitude.

To limit these outbursts, I consider ignore to be my friend and super-ignore to be a best friend. To the extent that anyone finds any the above to be tedious, obvious, or a complete waste of electrons, please take my failure to respond as a tacit admission of the superiority of your reasons, not as an indication I have you on ignore.
The remainder are just inane comments posted for my own amusement. And I know on occasion I have responded in anger and I apologize for those moments. Not an excuse, but an explanation: sometimes I read on this board a piece of tripe I have heard so many times, in occasions where for family, etiquette, or professional reasons I just have to remain silent, that it is borderline therapeutic for me to be able to lash out at what seems to be a purposeful bit of disinformation or a willful regurgitation of some particularly noxious belief or attitude.

I do this all the time as well. But I have an internal rule, occasionally observed, that if I'm lashing out more than twice to the same idiot in the same thread, all I've proven is that the idiot is indeed rubber and I am, regrettably, glue.
I'm always a little skeptical of those who didn't keep their IC handle, particularly if they aren't willing to share what it was. Like what are you hiding? If you didn't come from IC you are way out of your depth on this subject.
Jortsforall, which I've shared before.

There's not much depth other than you trying to justify engaging in behavior that a moderator is trying to get control of for the betterment of the board.
This thread is convincing me that maybe we just need a new moderator, TBH.
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Herding cats is a thankless task, but you have done a wonderful job.

In the words of Captain James Lawrence during the War of 1812, "Don't give up the ship "
This gt dude has trolled and annoyed people on every board he’s been on. I don’t know what your username was at IC but he’s got a long history. He pestered super until he broke down and then when super came here to explain he took more shots at him. He’s a garbage human being.
I think you are giving gt far too much credit for having that degree of impact on super.
I do this all the time as well. But I have an internal rule, occasionally observed, that if I'm lashing out more than twice to the same idiot in the same thread, all I've proven is that the idiot is indeed rubber and I am, regrettably, glue.
Many years ago, a wise poster made the following poast on the old ZZL in response to a troll who kept repeating the same old tripe and moving the goal posts while avoiding the actual topic of the thread. I don't know who that poster was and in the years since, I have started making a note of the poster and date of posts I deem worthy of saving. Anyway, your "internal rule" reminded me of this old poast so I dug it out:

"Please don't take failure to further engage you on this topic as a tacit agreement with your position or an acknowledgment of any kind that you've successfully made your points."
I think you are giving gt far too much credit for having that degree of impact on super.
I sure hope he is. Super's not my favorite poster but obviously he's dealing with stuff and I don't want to be the person that pushes him further. At the same time, I wouldn't want him coming on here and acting like an arrogant jerk but then not being able to take criticism. It looks like he may think the same thing and has decided to step away for some amount of time. Good for him.
I sure hope he is. Super's not my favorite poster but obviously he's dealing with stuff and I don't want to be the person that pushes him further. At the same time, I wouldn't want him coming on here and acting like an arrogant jerk but then not being able to take criticism. It looks like he may think the same thing and has decided to step away for some amount of time. Good for him.
Here we go again. You just can't stop poking can you?