On Board Decorum

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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I agree that there are facts. 2 + 2 = 4. A water molecule is 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen. The problem is, 99.999% of political topics are either opinion based (abortion) or don't have anything close to the level of transparent and obvious truth of math and science.

True, but there isn't a complete absence of fact. There are facts that help to develop the political topics, like there is no heart in a fetus at 6 weeks, so heartbeat laws are lies targeting emotion. Like the fact that one is less likely to be assaulted by an immigrant than they are a US citizen. Like the fact that no boy is going to school and coming home a girl. Notice a trend in all of the lies by trump and how they simply ignore the facts as does his cult?
Great question! Who decides the truth? Unless there is empirical evidence, everything else is opinion. Telling someone they are wrong when their belief is based on their experiences and your belief is based on your experiences, is hypocritical.
With all of the data we have about experiences and how easily people are influenced and manipulated, experience doesn't really hold water.

But I do understand the point that one's claimed experience shouldn't trump another's. Well unless one is claiming the earth is flat.

Even then there are experiences that don't add up to the conclusions. Take for example vaccines. Yes, sometimes people have adverse effects to a vaccine, but if their opinion is now that vaccines should be banned based on their experience (Even if it can be shown to be accurate) then they are wrong. Not based off of my contrary experience, but the collective of contrary experiences and data that show that for every one case where their experience was fact there are a million where the positive outcome is the result.
True, but there isn't a complete absence of fact. There are facts that help to develop the political topics, like there is no heart in a fetus at 6 weeks, so heartbeat laws are lies targeting emotion. Like the fact that one is less likely to be assaulted by an immigrant than they are a US citizen. Like the fact that no boy is going to school and coming home a girl. Notice a trend in all of the lies by trump and how they simply ignore the facts as does his cult?
Right, there are things we can safely say are false. No child has had gender transition surgery during their school day.
"You posted all your [same stuff] on the old board too, so [stop] with your whole woe is me schtick."
But, "You never change, you are the same bitch as on the old boards, so fuck you and the horse you road in on." just feels better.

This is just an example; I'm not actually directing this toward you.
I really like the term "fuck you", it's so useful, versatile, and works perfectly in so many statements.
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Nothing specific. I just see your comments sometimes being hypocritical, as I showed in an earlier post. I surmise you have anger issues and have no other outlet than this board. I hope posting on here, at least in some aspect, makes you feel somewhat at ease or in control.
You showed that you didn't have a clue. How exactly did you show I have anger issues or am hypocritical? How about links to what I said and your take on where the anger is and what is hypocritical.
But, "You never change, you are the same bitch as on the old boards, so fuck you and the horse you road in on." just feels better.

This is just an example; I'm not actually directing this toward you.
I really like the term "fuck you", it's so useful and works perfectly in so many statements.
I know it might feel better to some folks but if the idea is to improve the board experience by improving the board decorum, folks should restrain themselves if they are capable of it. Or don't. Its not that big a deal to ignore comments like that but it would be nice to comply with the wishes of the people that set this up for all of us.
I know it might feel better to some folks but if the idea is to improve the board experience by improving the board decorum, folks should restrain themselves if they are capable of it. Or don't. Its not that big a deal to ignore comments like that but it would be nice to comply with the wishes of the people that set this up for all of us.
Go read my earlier post.

I typically delete post like that once I think about it. I have a tendency to post before thinking or post an emotional response. Get's me when driving also.

But, I delete a lot of post.
I'll say this as nicely as possible; this response was uncalled for an unnecessary. But you have a reputation for this.

Is this simply having to have the last word?
What response are you hoping for here? I feel like any answer I give is just going to upset him some more. Why not just let it die and let him calm down?
Blind men describing an elephant seems like where this thead is?
ETA reference in case folks are not familiar.
And this is what is meant by: "Go ahead, draw your petty conclusions".
It's funny how this thread keeps coming back around to the graffiti scrawled on a stone wall in Strasbourg.
This thread is convincing me that maybe we just need a new moderator, TBH.
I really hope you reconsider. Definitely prefer your moderation. I'm sorry the asking for simple things nicely doesn't work but the ignore button does work great I think for most of us.
This thread is convincing me that maybe we just need a new moderator, TBH.
You're doing an exemplary job and if you moderated or deleted my salty post directed at yellowjacket (or any post I made, ever) I wouldn't mind at all. As far as I'm concerned, you're the arbiter of what's acceptable in here and what's not, even though I know some of the shit I post wouldn't be allowed. And that's fine. I can accept being chastening by you..