Photos you’ve taken

Graffiti from within the 14th century Ross Errilly Friary in Galway.
IMG_3315.jpegGraffiti inside the Gallarus Oratory on the Dingle Peninsula. The oratory dates from the 12th century. IMG_3208.jpeg
Rainy day at Corcomroe Abbey in the Burren, County Clare.

My wife took this one last summer in Colorado on her phone. I told her it looked like a postcard.
I took a photo very similar to that at Llanganuco in the Peruvian Andes about 15 years ago. Even had the boats in the foreground looking across the lake at the snowcapped peaks. Sadly I lost it and my other Peru pics on a crashed hard drive a few years back.
Really like your photo. In a similar theme, here is one looking across the Rhine River at Mainz in Germany. This is another of my attempted rip-offs (or "inspired by") photos. When I was stationed in Germany, there was an older guy in my Sunday School class who had moved to Germany immediately after the end of WW2. He had served in the infantry during in WW2--in Germany among other places--and lived there ever since. I told him I was taking about 10 days leave and was going to visit England. I asked if he had any recommendations for what I should see. He did and gave me a really good list. He told me to be sure to eat some meals in Indian restaurants, see some plays, and a lot of other things. The two plays I saw were: "Equus," which he recommended and I didn't like and "The Mousetrap," which he didn't recommend but I did like. But at the top of the list was the Tate Gallery, now known as Tate Britain. I wandered around until I hit the room that had the paintings by J. M. William Turner. I was gobsmacked. Those painting really touched something inside me. Not long after I returned from leave, I happened to be on the North bank of the Rhine River, opposite Mainz. The clouds and lighting were just right, and I took this photo. I really like it. When I showed it to one of my sisters, she immediately and without any prompting from me exclaimed, "This looks just like a Turner painting!" One of the proudest days of my life.

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