Political Ads

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This sign on the right, [Trump Low Prices|Kamala High Prices ]
i'm seeing tons of it in north raleigh.
Someone has been putting them all over public spaces in Charlotte. They don’t stay up long. I’ve driven by some and then driven back a couple hours later to see them gone. But whoever puts them up is persistent. They’ll disappear and then more of them will pop up a day or two later.
Someone has been putting them all over public spaces in Charlotte. They don’t stay up long. I’ve driven by some and then driven back a couple hours later to see them gone. But whoever puts them up is persistent. They’ll disappear and then more of them will pop up a day or two later.
I've been tempted to remove them. It is a class 3 misdemeanor though if they're in public right-of-way.
I'm in Greensboro and first saw these last weekend up the street from me.
They are everywhere. NC GOP is the ones putting them on every corner.

I asked the lady manning the GOP table at the polling place "so Trump will bring low prices?" "Oh yes he will" "How do extra taxes on imports, cause you know the company wont eat it, not come to the customer? and even so, isn't deflation a really bad economic indicator because our investments tend to decrease and hurts everyone?" She goes "Well...I guess you aren't on our team are you?" I walked over to the dem side and said audibly "How can you sit even near someone with a Michelle Morrow and Mark Robinson sign??"
I've been tempted to remove them. It is a class 3 misdemeanor though if they're in public right-of-way.
What’s the charge if signs are removed or vandalized on private property like my front yard?

If it’s a class 3 misdemeanor in a public right of way….
I've been tempted to remove them. It is a class 3 misdemeanor though if they're in public right-of-way.
I think that only applies to public right-of-ways of roads that are part of the NC state highway system. I’m not sure some of the roads where these have been placed are part of that highway system.
Raleigh.gov said
"It is a class 3 misdemeanor for a person to steal, deface, vandalize or unlawfully remove a political sign that is lawfully placed." The page wasn't entirely clear what lawfully placed means though. Political Sign Regulations so pub right-of-way on that page could be regarding residential zoned or commercial zoned places, not just highway. Dunno.
Raleigh.gov said
"It is a class 3 misdemeanor for a person to steal, deface, vandalize or unlawfully remove a political sign that is lawfully placed." The page wasn't entirely clear what lawfully placed means though. Political Sign Regulations so pub right-of-way on that page could be regarding residential zoned or commercial zoned places, not just highway. Dunno.
Here’s the relevant statute:

And the relevant language:
During the period beginning on the 30th day before the beginning date of early voting under G.S. 163‑166.40 and ending on the 10th day after the primary or election day, persons may place political signs in the right‑of‑way of the State highway system as provided in this section. Signs must be placed in compliance with subsection (d) of this section and must be removed by the end of the period prescribed in this subsection. Any political sign remaining in the right‑of‑way of the State highway system more than 30 days after the end of the period prescribed in this subsection shall be deemed unlawfully placed and abandoned property, and a person may remove and dispose of such political sign without penalty political sign remaining in the right‑of‑way of the State highway system more than 30 days after the end of the period prescribed in this subsection shall be deemed unlawfully placed and abandoned property, and a person may remove and dispose of such political sign without penalty
Can't wait until the incessant political ads are over. It's hard to even watch TV with my kids. I have to mash the mute button each commercial break before the Trump fear mongering, hellscape ads begin.
Can't wait until the incessant political ads are over. It's hard to even watch TV with my kids. I have to mash the mute button each commercial break before the Trump fear mongering, hellscape ads begin.
I know JC is southern because he mashes (rather than simply pushes) the mute button. My mother used to tell me to “mash the brake.”

In the first two weeks of October, Donald Trump and his allies directed about a third of all their spending on broadcast TV advertisements to ads about transgender health care, a significant increase reflecting a major tactical shift from previous months’ ad expenditures.

On the other side, Kamala Harris and her allies continued to put money into ads focused on taxes, character and health care, while lowering their investment in spots about abortion rights. Democrats have also abandoned an earlier emphasis on immigration and crime when Harris and her allies sought to blunt sustained GOP attacks in the weeks after she took over the ticket.

