This is going to sound a bit radical, but I would suggest that any liberals arguing in this thread simply stop engaging. This is, by far, the most active thread on the board today, at least in terms of participation by the board conservatives as far as I can tell. This is functioning exactly the way the Trump campaign intended - a massive distraction from all of the other awful stuff that they are doing.
(Let me re-phrase that - this is an important issue - I am not suggesting that Trans Human Rights issues are not important, but this is the one area where Conservatives feel like they have a justified upper hand and so will engage in detail.. The arguments on this issue are nuanced, it is hard to respond to the "sound-bite" rhetorical style of the arguments on both sides, and much of people's beliefs in this area are exceedingly immune to listening to a counter argument. Letting them make this the focus of the board discussion allows them to duck the plethora of other issues where they don't have much to say because Trump's conduct is much harder to defend for them).
I would love to see Conservatives have to engage on the myriad of other threads that are pointing out the awfulness of the Trump administration actions where there are largely cricket noises from the conservative side.
I recognize that this could be perceived as throwing the Trans Rights cause under the bus and that is not my intention - I feel like Sports is such a relatively minor part of the movement, but it sucks all of the air out of the room and drowns out most of the other areas where Transgender folks are being oppressed which affect a much larger proportion of the Trans community. I am happy to listen to criticisms from this perspective and readily concede that this is possibly not a good stratagem.