Rashad McCants

Some idiots think only those that went to UNC can be fans.
Fans are fans I went to undergrad at Wisky-(Grad UNC ) I have been a UNC fan since 1960-went to games for 35 years. I grew up going to church with Frank McQuire I had a daughter that got a full ride at dook-she would not take it cause in her family dook =shat ( I admit I regret that one )
What's a Walmart fan?
State fans don't like how popular UNC is.

So, they complain that all the UNC fans who didn't go to UNC are "Walmart fans" -- i.e., fans who bought their UNC stuff at Walmart and not while attending the university. It is a stupid thing. As if UNC should apologize for being a popular brand. Or that someone's fandom should turn on alumnus status.
If you only care about athletics and not the university as a whole, what’s the point?
I would say "the point" is that people become connected to athletic teams for a variety of reasons. UNC advertises it's athletic programs nationwide with merchandise sales. A lot of people grow up close to the university but never attend.

If you attended UNC, but don't care about the athletics, it seems like your perspective on this topic might be a little skewed.
If you only care about athletics and not the university as a whole, what’s the point?
You should get some propers here: that is a quite an original piece of bullshit. I have never seen someone argue that about a sports team.

If you DO care about the university, what is the point of the basketball team? What is the point of any sports team anywhere? What's the point of Taylor Swift? Of Game of Thrones? Of WWE? It's all entertainment. Its point is to entertain people, because otherwise we would be bored.

Also, what is the point of caring about the university? Seems like you're saying that the only people who should care about the university are the alums who might see their degrees depreciate if the university's reputation declines. That is . . . well, anyway. If you care about the university for any reason other than pecuniary self-interest, then there's no reason that non-alums can't share that viewpoint.
Personally I'm woefully aware and familiar with RM my question is why we don't delete this thread as it appears to be a self gratification gift to Haroldminer who appears to have no sense of perspective.

By all means carry on if needed but like many of the renamed buildings maybe rename the thread to "disgruntled former athletes"?

I'm thinking that eliminates my blood pressure rose when I see this guy's (RM) name in the title...he doesn't deserve it and I don't want to relitigate such BS since it's not a good thing to do.