I'm 60. (Man that is hard to believe sometimes)
I am fortunate enough to retire any time I would want to and according to projections not take a hit at all on my current monthly expenses (that's in a 'significantly below average market' which is only 5% likely, in an 'average market' it's somewhat crazy what those projections are for me)
But I enjoy my work, have lots of built in flexibility for travel, have a sense of commitment to my patients and my team and really don't think I'm really ready to do it.
My plan is 3 more years when I can get cobra to take me to age 65 and hopefully still have good health to take full advantage of time and freedom.
Of course that could all change based on other factors. It is a real relief knowing that short of some semi apocalyptic event which will affect everyone I am in solid shape financially.
What I didn't understand until recently is the impact of a)no longer needing to save for retirement b) very low to non-existent taxes the first few years as I pay expenses using cash and not my retirement accounts, c) the ongoing growth of those accounts baring market collapse, d) social security and the spousal benefit of 50% of mine and e) expenses I have currently that relate to working that will be gone and their collective impact on expenses in retirement.
You don't need a financial advisor taking 1% to teach you things, there are many excellent books and YouTube videos to avail yourself of. The key in taking that approach though is you also need to educate your spouse.