I knew you would eventually come around to blaming the Democrats.
Look, Trump ran probably the most racist presidential campaign in the history of the country. At least the most racist post-Civil War. Even George Wallace wouldn't have done or said some of this shit. Up and down, up and down, racism, misogyny, bullshit. We also know that Trump supporters love racism. That's what makes them Trump supporters. The social science data on this point is overwhelming.
The causal connection seems clear enough to me: racists like racism, and they like to hear racism in public, and they have affinity for the man who makes it OK for them to be racist as hell. You are putting an intermediary in this causal chain called the Democratic Party, which is apparently the real problem even though the trip from racism to racist seems simple and not in need of further explication.
And where does Trump and the GOP run especially strong? In the Confederacy. Look at the map again. When did the Democrats abandon the working class in the South? Oh, they didn't? Oh, the South turned on Bill because they didn't like "lesbo" HRC? Again, you weren't there. The number of cracks and arguments and bullshit about HRC being lesbian was overwhelming in Bill's first term. They did not like that she did not want to bake cookies. That is far more responsible than abandonment of the working class.
This is the fact that the Bernie left just glosses over all the time. The GOP is the party of the Confederacy. The demarcation between blue and red is more or less the Civil War battle lines -- especially when you consider how many Indianans wanted to be part of the Confederacy. NoVa has turned Virginia blue for the time being, but out in the state itself, it's still the Confederacy.
[And no, the story of Bill was not NAFTA. I was there. The Pubs ran on the Contract On America in 1994. They were unabashedly pro-NAFTA]