Some of them do. I get that some dei policies are about education and stating things like we won't discriminate based on if a person is a minority or a woman or gay or whatever. I think we hear about some of the wackadoodle education standards that teach white men are automatically racist or whatever but I would bet a lot of the education is real anti-bias training and is much more valuable. I think all that's probably fine.
But when you discriminate based on ethnicity or sex or sexual orientation by promoting people in those categories over white straight males, it's just that. Discrimination. Everyone on an equal playing field, would be more widely accepted.
I think if advocates had gotten rid of those types of discriminatory policies and gotten rid of some of the more vindictive education, dei would have had a much longer run. As of now, dei is a poison term, but it could be repackaged with a different name, removing some of the less popular elements, and get much wider support.