The "Burning it All Down" Thread

Over 600k of 1M COVID deaths were folks 75+. 900k over 65. Hardly the prime workforce.
About 90% of diagnosed Covid deaths (which isn't all Covid deaths) were of people older than 50. There were at least 200K deaths in the 50-64 age range.

But more importantly, you're aware, right, that even old people eat, drive, use electricity, buy gifts and maybe even (gasp!) buy a few things for themselves. In other words, everyone is a consumer.

What do you think would happen to the economy if everyone not working were to suddenly die? Everything would just go on as normal with no effect on the economy? Do you ever think about what you're typing before you type it?
19th century NYC's leader were largely based on what group of thugs beat up enough voters from their rivals to keep them from voting. Also attempting to vote as a black person during Jim Crow and parts of reconstruction could get you killed.

I get your point, but there has always been a part of the American population willing to use force to get their way.
Good point. But I guess I’m not aware of a presidential candidate threatening violence in the event he or she does not win the election and spread lies that lead to threats against poll workers.
19th century NYC's leader were largely based on what group of thugs beat up enough voters from their rivals to keep them from voting. Also attempting to vote as a black person during Jim Crow and parts of reconstruction could get you killed.

I get your point, but there has always been a part of the American population willing to use force to get their way.
Trump's Firehose of BS accomplished the same thing and repressed young demographical and suburban women's vote. Suppression by verbal jackhammer.

The problem is that Trumpers look at that and don't say to themselves "Gee, Oklahoma is terrible compared to Massachusetts. What should we do to be more like Massachusetts?" Instead they say to themselves "I hate that effing Taxachusetts, what can we do to hurt that state and knock those snooty liberals down a peg and make them look more like Oklahoma?" I checked the comments to his tweet and most of them are from right-wingers telling the guy who posted this that he's just another condescending librul who doesn't get it and his snobby condescension is why Trump won in a "landslide" (of course it wasn't close to a landslide in the popular or even electoral vote).

Most people will look at that tweet and come to the conclusion that Oklahoma must be a pretty shitty place to live and raise kids, but Trumpers look at it and see a bunch of blue-state East Coast snobs looking down on them and resent it, and so they vote for Trump to teach those snooty blue-staters a "lesson". That's where we are now as a nation. They don't want Oklahoma to improve in those statistics and raise its quality of life, they want to drag blue states down to where they are so we can all be miserable together.
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The problem is that Trumpers look at that and don't say to themselves "Gee, Oklahoma is terrible compared to Massachusetts. What should we do to be more like Massachusetts?" Instead they say to themselves "I hate that effing Taxachusetts, what can we do to hurt that state and knock those snooty liberals down a peg and make them look more like Oklahoma?" I checked the comments to his tweet and most of them are from right-wingers telling the guy who posted this that he's just another condescending librul who doesn't get it and his snobby condescension is why Trump won in a "landslide" (of course it wasn't close to a landslide in the popular or even electoral vote).

Most people will look at that tweet and come to the conclusion that Oklahoma must be a pretty shitty place to live and raise kids, but Trumpers look at it and see a bunch of blue-state East Coast snobs looking down on them and resent it, and so they vote for Trump to teach those snooty blue-staters a "lesson". That's where we are now as a nation. They don't want Oklahoma to improve in those statistics and raise its quality of life, they want to drag blue states down to where they are so we can all be miserable together.
It's applying the lolstate mentality to politics. They hate their betters more than they like themselves. Even the respective colors align.
Oh, but you're wrong. See, Evangelicals want Jews to be wiped out, save for the 144K elect, so that they can go to Heaven sooner.

So, in that sense, Israel is very much a part of the US.
Well, no in no sense is Israel part of the United States. Some people have an interest in what happens to Israel, but it just isn't part of the US.
Oh, a transported troll. Probably one of the fuckwits that got the old board shut down.

What substance are you providing, exactly? Let’s start by listing all the wonderful things you think occurred during Trump’s first term in office. I’ll grab my popcorn while you copy and paste your list from whatever Russian-sponsored social media trash heap you get your information from these days.
Nope. Just

And it's stuff like this that lost the Democrats the election. They are "better" than the Republicans.
Nope. Just

And it's stuff like this that lost the Democrats the election. They are "better" than the Republicans.
How so? Its pointing out that in one unanimously Democratically-run state, the educational, healthcare, and quality of life outcomes are lightyears better than those in another unanimously Republican-run state. How is that saying that Democrats are "better" than Republicans? If anything it's merely saying that Democratic *policies* are better than Republican *policies* on education and healthcare. It isn't saying that Democrats as people are inherently better than Republicans as people. That you think otherwise is simply projection on your part. All that chart is saying is that if you value education and healthcare, generally you should live in a Democratically-led state that places much more of an emphasis than do Republicans on expending resources to ensure positive outcomes in those spaces.

And it's not "stuff like this" that lost the Democrats the election. What lost Democrats the election is that they got their asses kicked in the messaging and media sphere. In blind polling, Harris/Democratic policies polled outlandishly better than Trump/Republican policies. But as I keep saying, I very much hope that your party continues to act like it won some sort of mandate and governs accordingly. Donald Trump having to spend his last two years as president- assuming he's even alive by that point- with a Democratic House and Senate will be poetic.
The problem is that Trumpers look at that and don't say to themselves "Gee, Oklahoma is terrible compared to Massachusetts. What should we do to be more like Massachusetts?" Instead they say to themselves "I hate that effing Taxachusetts, what can we do to hurt that state and knock those snooty liberals down a peg and make them look more like Oklahoma?" I checked the comments to his tweet and most of them are from right-wingers telling the guy who posted this that he's just another condescending librul who doesn't get it and his snobby condescension is why Trump won in a "landslide" (of course it wasn't close to a landslide in the popular or even electoral vote).

Most people will look at that tweet and come to the conclusion that Oklahoma must be a pretty shitty place to live and raise kids, but Trumpers look at it and see a bunch of blue-state East Coast snobs looking down on them and resent it, and so they vote for Trump to teach those snooty blue-staters a "lesson". That's where we are now as a nation. They don't want Oklahoma to improve in those statistics and raise its quality of life, they want to drag blue states down to where they are so we can all be miserable together.
Or just as likely the words “book smart” will be mentioned. Those words are used by dumb people all the time to minimize the value of education.