The double standard

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Can someone find this press release that Kamala put out proclaiming herself “not black.”
In Trump’s pea-brain, whenever Harris alludes to her Asian heritage, it’s a repudiation of her black heritage. He can’t conceive of having pride in being bi-racial.

So any ad she’s ever “put out”, any public statement she ever made/“put out” about her Asian background is, in Trump’s view, an admission that she’s not black.
Trump's mind is so one-track - black and white, if you will - that he can't fathom the concept of being multiracial. It's one reason why he clowned Warren so much with the Pocahontas barbs. (That, and he's racist.) He judges people by how they look, so it does not compute that someone may have a "hidden" heritage.

Also, I don't think he was implying anything sexual with the "put out" statement. If he had meant it that way, he would have overemphasized "put out" with that weird tone he does.
The double standard with which these two candidates are covered is sickening. If Kamala Harris had gone on stage last night and shouted ineligible nonsense about immigrants eating dogs & doctors killing babies her candidacy would be over! She would be decried as a crazy person unfit to hold the office of president. I'm fairly certain her party would drop her! And this goes beyond last night. A week ago Trump claimed that your children go off to school and come home a few days later a completely different gender! Insinuating that our school systems (who can barely afford basic supplies) provide them with sex change operations!

I just cannot fathom how this election is close. I do not understand why the media will not cover Trump accordingly. This man has disqualified himself from this race time and time again, yet they continue to normalize his crazy right wing extremism.

How could an undecided voter be undecided at this stage of the game? I simply do not understand why the bar is so much higher for her than it is him... All I hear from undecideds are questions about her policy... WHAT ARE TRUMPS POLICIES? More importantly, who cares? His felonious record would preclude him from delivering your mail... but you want him to have nuclear codes?

It has to be misogyny.

(And pardon me if you have previously discussed this double standard, I'm new here)
The election is close because a) fear of Democrats and b) there are no standards for Trump. People have come to accept him for the rambling, lying, delusional person he is.

In 2016, when he was starting to garner serious attention, I remember watching CNN as they tried to cover all of the ridiculous and crazy things he said. The problem was, they couldn't focus on one thing he said because he had already said a half dozen more things in the meantime.

If Trump was only 25% as bad as he is, I think he would actually seem worse. He would seem like a reasonable, honest person who was lying vs a person who just says anything that comes to mind, with no concern about accuracy, honesty or making sense.

I'm not voting for Trump and have never voted for Trump. I also doubt I'll vote for Kamala, but I watched the entire debate with my wife. Despite ALL of Trump's ridiculous hyperbole and lies, the thing that truly stood out as dishonest was Kamala going back to the Charlottesville lie about Trump referring to the white supremacists as "good people". Why did that bug me? Because I actually expect honesty from Kamala.
The election is close because a) fear of Democrats


I'm not voting for Trump and have never voted for Trump. I also doubt I'll vote for Kamala

This election is too important to sit out.

I watched the entire debate with my wife. Despite ALL of Trump's ridiculous hyperbole and lies, the thing that truly stood out as dishonest was Kamala going back to the Charlottesville lie about Trump referring to the white supremacists as "good people". Why did that bug me? Because I actually expect honesty from Kamala.

That perfectly exemplifies the double standard. You should hold both candidates to the same moral standard.
The election is close because a) fear of Democrats and b) there are no standards for Trump. People have come to accept him for the rambling, lying, delusional person he is.

In 2016, when he was starting to garner serious attention, I remember watching CNN as they tried to cover all of the ridiculous and crazy things he said. The problem was, they couldn't focus on one thing he said because he had already said a half dozen more things in the meantime.

If Trump was only 25% as bad as he is, I think he would actually seem worse. He would seem like a reasonable, honest person who was lying vs a person who just says anything that comes to mind, with no concern about accuracy, honesty or making sense.

I'm not voting for Trump and have never voted for Trump. I also doubt I'll vote for Kamala, but I watched the entire debate with my wife. Despite ALL of Trump's ridiculous hyperbole and lies, the thing that truly stood out as dishonest was Kamala going back to the Charlottesville lie about Trump referring to the white supremacists as "good people". Why did that bug me? Because I actually expect honesty from Kamala.
Who exactly were the “very fine people” who just so happened to be on the side of the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville?
Who exactly were the “very fine people” who just so happened to be on the side of the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville?
You're being dishonest with your implication that anyone who was protesting tearing down the statue was a neo-Nazi. We both know that wasn't the case.

All you have to do is watch the full video. Less than a minute after his "both sides" comment, he condemns the Neo-Nazis.
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I said it in another thread but in a sane world Trump's polling numbers would look a lot like Robinson's polling numbers in the NC governor's race.
In a sane world, the polling numbers would look pretty much as they are now, because Republicans would have kicked the crazy to the curb in the primaries and have run an honest to goodness conservative on the ticket instead of a wannabe authoritarian malignant narcissist.
You're being dishonest with your implication that anyone who was protesting tearing down the statue was a neo-Nazi. We both know that wasn't the case.

All you have to do is watch the full video. Less than a minute after his "both sides" comment, he condemns the Neo-Nazis.
I didn’t say that. I’m asking if your position is that the people who were protesting alongside the neo-Nazis, but who didn’t happen to be neo-Nazis themselves, were “really fine people.” Because to me, even when Trump’s comment is viewed in context, it’s still incredibly tone deaf and offensive.
If you're protesting and the group of folks your protesting beside are claiming to be Nazis, then buddy I hate to tell ya, you're also a Nazi.
I wouldn’t go that far, but let’s say you’re just a big Robert E. Lee stan who decides to show up at a rally you understand to be intended to defend his statue in Charlottesville. When you get there, you see that a bunch of your fellow protestors are literal neo-Nazis and are shouting things like “Jews will not replace us.” What do you do? Do you get the hell out of Dodge, or do you stay and march alongside the Nazis because you just love REL that damn much?

If you choose the latter, you may not be a Nazi yourself, but you sure as hell aren’t a “very fine person” either.
I didn’t say that. I’m asking if your position is that the people who were protesting alongside the neo-Nazis, but who didn’t happen to be neo-Nazis themselves, were “really fine people.” Because to me, even when Trump’s comment is viewed in context, it’s still incredibly tone deaf and offensive.
Yes, I think, outside of the neo-Nazis, there were good/really fine people on both sides.

But, again, the issue is Trump's words/beliefs being intentionally misrepresent to portray him as a racist. There are 1,000 legit reasons the guy is a POS. No need to lie.
The election is close because a) fear of Democrats and b) there are no standards for Trump. People have come to accept him for the rambling, lying, delusional person he is.

In 2016, when he was starting to garner serious attention, I remember watching CNN as they tried to cover all of the ridiculous and crazy things he said. The problem was, they couldn't focus on one thing he said because he had already said a half dozen more things in the meantime.

If Trump was only 25% as bad as he is, I think he would actually seem worse. He would seem like a reasonable, honest person who was lying vs a person who just says anything that comes to mind, with no concern about accuracy, honesty or making sense.

I'm not voting for Trump and have never voted for Trump. I also doubt I'll vote for Kamala, but I watched the entire debate with my wife. Despite ALL of Trump's ridiculous hyperbole and lies, the thing that truly stood out as dishonest was Kamala going back to the Charlottesville lie about Trump referring to the white supremacists as "good people". Why did that bug me? Because I actually expect honesty from Kamala.
At least we know you’re a serious person.
I think Zen has been in zen mode a tad too long.
“ This is, Zen explains, because theoretical knowledge is a form of “language game” i.e., discrimination through the use of language, constructed as it is at least in part on distinction-making. Zen believes that theoretical reference in itself ultimately carries no existential meaning for emancipating a human being from his or her predicaments, for it maintains that discriminatory knowledge of any kind is delusory/illusory in nature.”

You see, Trump was delusional in his discriminatory language game when he uttered “fine people on both sides”. And we are intentionally misrepresenting him in our portrayal of him as being practical in as much as his transformation of the psychophysiological constitution of one’s being that one prepares for embodying nondiscriminatory wisdom.

It all makes perfect sense when in zen mode. But our insistence in our own duality prevents us from seeing things that we didn’t really hear or witness from watching video clips of Trump’s utterances in reference to the 2017 mob in Charlottesville. You must understand that the mob was not really chanting “the Jews will not replace us.” It’s existential meaning was actually the exact opposite.

Get it?
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You're being dishonest with your implication that anyone who was protesting tearing down the statue was a neo-Nazi. We both know that wasn't the case.

All you have to do is watch the full video. Less than a minute after his "both sides" comment, he condemns the Neo-Nazis.
"I'm not a Nazi, it's just that Nazi's and I share a lot of common values." is a statement that no red blooded American should ever be using to defend their actions. End of story.

You have agency over where you spend your finite supply of political capital. In fact it takes a conscious decision, a proactive action, on the part of a person to decide to spend that political capital in the service of a specific cause.

There are a literal infinite number of good causes worth fighting for that don't involve (literally) standing shoulder to shoulder with Nazis. Pick on of those!

To anyone who has decided to spend their political capitol on a cause that puts you into alignment with literal Nazis, **** you. That more or less sums up my thoughts on that issue.
"I'm not a Nazi, it's just that Nazi's and I share a lot of common values." is a statement that no red blooded American should ever be using to defend their actions. End of story.

You have agency over where you spend your political capital. In fact it takes a conscious decision, a proactive action, on the part of a person to decide to spend that political capital in the service of a specific cause.

There are a literal infinite number of good causes worth fighting for that don't involve (literally) standing shoulder to shoulder with Nazis. Pick on of those!

To anyone who has decided to spend their political capitol on a cause that puts you into alignment with literal Nazis, **** you. That more or less sums up my thoughts on that issue.
Yep. Just to put a finer point on it, if you showed up to protest with the Unite the Righters in Charlottesville, or if you showed up for Trump’s Stop the Steal speech on the Mall on January 6, you are not a “very fine person.” You might not be a neo-Nazi or an insurrectionist yourself, but you’re certainly adjacent. Like, LITERALLY adjacent.
The election is close because a) fear of Democrats and b) there are no standards for Trump. People have come to accept him for the rambling, lying, delusional person he is.

In 2016, when he was starting to garner serious attention, I remember watching CNN as they tried to cover all of the ridiculous and crazy things he said. The problem was, they couldn't focus on one thing he said because he had already said a half dozen more things in the meantime.

If Trump was only 25% as bad as he is, I think he would actually seem worse. He would seem like a reasonable, honest person who was lying vs a person who just says anything that comes to mind, with no concern about accuracy, honesty or making sense.

I'm not voting for Trump and have never voted for Trump. I also doubt I'll vote for Kamala, but I watched the entire debate with my wife. Despite ALL of Trump's ridiculous hyperbole and lies, the thing that truly stood out as dishonest was Kamala going back to the Charlottesville lie about Trump referring to the white supremacists as "good people". Why did that bug me? Because I actually expect honesty from Kamala.
lol this is just so bizarre. You openly admit exactly what this thread is about - that you know Trump is 100x worse than Kamala in terms of truthfulness but that one thing she said upset you more than the firehose of lies coming from him. You recognize this person is tremendously, unprecedentedly unqualified, but you'll still allow him to be elected by not voting for the one person who can beat him. Just absolutely bizarre logic to recognize that you're holding these two people to very different standards but then just shrug and say "and I'll continue to do that."

And leaving that aside the idea that Kamala "lied" about the Charlottesville quote is absurd. This is what Kamala said:

"Let's remember Charlottesville, where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches, spewing anti-Semitic hate. And what did the president, then at the time say? There were fine people on each side."

This is literally true. That's what he said. This is the Trump quote:

"Excuse me, they didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group — excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures as you did — you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. . . .

You're changing history, you're changing culture, and you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people, but you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits, and with the helmets, and the baseball bats, you got a lot of bad people in the other group too."

You can argue, if you want, that Kamala's statement is missing the context about Trump later saying he was condemning the neo-Nazis and white nationalists. But the whole point is that President Trump wasn't willing to unequivocally condemn the neo-Nazis and white supremacists at a time when one of them had just murdered innocent people by plowing a car through them; instead, he was "bosiding" the conflict.

The idea that you would take more umbrage at a fairly garden variety political attack based on selective quoting and say that is more problematic to you than an absolute fire hose of lies and outright fabrications, many tinged with undertones of racism and xenophobia, coming from the other side is just embarrassing. To me, it's way worse when an educated person like you, who sees Trump as the total trainwreck he is, still somehow formulates an excuse not to vote in a way that will prevent his election, than when a brainwashed low-information voter who thinks Trump is God's chosen warrior or something supports him. You don't have to like Kamala and her policies, but if you really understand what a disaster Trump is , there is only one logical way to vote in this election.
In re: "put out." For me, for Trump to slip in a "put out," as a disclaimable way of suggesting VP Harris was sexually promiscuous is entirely on message and consistent with the way he talks, what he thinks about women, and his belief that he is always the smartest person in the room. One of the identifying characteristics of such narcissists is that they believe they can insult you to your face and (1) you will not "get it," (2) if you are offended by the insult, he just fires back, "what is it with this guy that he always thinks everything it about him," and (3) not only seeing nothing wrong with a guy hitting on anything with two X chromosomes, but sees nothing wrong with hitting on a couch if women aren't available.