The Music Thread

In honor of John. Yeah, Glen made it famous but c'mon man. My favorite version.

My parents loved JH. Listened to a ton of him, Poco, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Glen Campbell ( another phenomenal guitar player who did tons of session work before his own stardom) etc as a kid in the mid-late 70s.
Chet A. and Merle Travis were the fingerpicking Gods of the world back in the day. Doc himself took up that style (along with his own flat-picking style). Doc named his only son after Merle Travis. They still have a huge music festival named after Merle Watson -

Tommy Emmanuel studied and took after those 3 icons and has taken it to another level (if another level is even possible after Chet and Merle T).

I saw Tommy E at the last MerleFest.
I saw him in Durham back in May and he was fantastic. Blew my wife away and she doesn’t even like the music.
Like all those. Oh Well could be the theme song of my life. None of them have more famous covers ,though. I had to choose between After Midnight and Call Me the Breeze with Cale and You Never Even Call Me BY My Name with Goodman. Elvis always did Polk Salad Annie.

This is one of my (many) favorite Goodman songs.
