The Music Thread

Chet A. and Merle Travis were the fingerpicking Gods of the world back in the day. Doc himself took up that style (along with his own flat-picking style). Doc named his only son after Merle Travis. They still have a huge music festival named after Merle Watson -

Tommy Emmanuel studied and took after those 3 icons and has taken it to another level (if another level is even possible after Chet and Merle T).

I saw Tommy E at the last MerleFest.
I always liked that short bit on the first "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" album that is titled something like, "Doc Watson & Merle Travis First Meeting." In it, they talk casually and then Merle says, IIRC, something like, "I hear you named your son after me." To which Doc replied, "Yeah, I was hoping some of your good pickin' would rub off on him." Then Merle laughing replies, "Look whose talking."
I always liked that short bit on the first "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" album that is titled something like, "Doc Watson & Merle Travis First Meeting." In it, they talk casually and then Merle says, IIRC, something like, "I hear you named your son after me." To which Doc replied, "Yeah, I was hoping some of your good pickin' would rub off on him." Then Merle laughing replies, "Look whose talking."
That’s the one.
Of course it’s all a matter of personal opinion (like so and so is the best guitar player ever, etc…) but for me, after Kind of Blue I would rate these in a top 10 sort of listing (but in no particular order… I’m not really listing album #2 here… just my list to flesh out MY top 10)
Time Out - Dave Brubeck
Song For My Father - Horace Silver
Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus - Vince Guaraldi
The Köln Concert - Keith Jarret
The Incredible Jazz Guitar of - Wes Montgomery
Getz/Gilberto - Stan Getz and João Gilberto
Sunday at the Village Vanguard - Bill Evans Trio
Heavy Weather - Weather Report
Moanin’ - Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers
Giant Steps - John Coltrane

I know I’m leaving out the all time great cats like Armstrong, Django, Billie, Ellington, Rollins, Parker, Monk, Sinatra, Ella, Nat (Cole and Adderley) more Miles’ albums, etc…. But you gotta draw the line somewhere. And you’ll notice I have a lot of piano players on my list. Which may seem strange because I don’t play piano, I play guitar, sing and also play double bass. So where is Scofield, Joe Pass, Kenny Burrell, Barney Kessell, Metheny, Mingus, etc. ???

I just know my list are seminal albums - and they all make the top 100 lists world wide - but they are the ones that speak to me personally.

I own all of those CDs excepting Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus

my top 10:

1 ) Kind of Blue
2 ) Time Out
3 ) A Love Supreme- John Coltrane
4 ) Monk's Dream- Thelonius Monk
5 ) Blue Train- John Coltrane
6 ) Sketches of Spain -Miles Davis
7 )The Last Great Concert- Chet Baker
8 ) Smokin' At The Half Note- Wynton Kelly Trio (with Wes Montgomery)
9 ) The Complete Last Concert- The Modern Jazz Quartet
10 ) Live at the Northsea Jazz Festival 1980- Oscar Peterson
In 1986 they played at the Daniel Boone Inn complex. Yes that one. We stood 12 feet from the stage. It was wonderful. Didn't miss RR one bit. While enjoying the hell out if it I had this nagging thought in my head : Man what a come down it must be for them; top of the world to Daniel Boone.

A couple weeks later Manuel committed suicide...

In 1986 they played at the Daniel Boone Inn complex. Yes that one. We stood 12 feet from the stage. It was wonderful. Didn't miss RR one bit. While enjoying the hell out if it I had this nagging thought in my head : Man what a come down it must be for them; top of the world to Daniel Boone.

A couple weeks later Manuel committed suicide...

I had a similar feeling watching John Mayall hawk his latest CD in the lobby of the Art Center before his performance. And yes,I enjoyed his performance, as well.
I had a similar feeling watching John Mayall hawk his latest CD in the lobby of the Art Center before his performance. And yes,I enjoyed his performance, as well.
Might just be John being John. My understanding is that he's always been about the business of music as well as making it.
Here's one I like A LOT. Possibly the better performance was on last season's Saturday Night Live but I couldn't find the video to that. I love the line "sifting through centuries for moments of your own." Our second daughter is a Capricorn. Her birthday fell on December 27. Her first Christmas was the next year. Her birthdays were always sort of an afterthought. We had a real scare with her last year. She made it through but it planted the seed that the child who seemed the most "together" might not be after all.

my favorite Leon CD... a mix of rock and gospel. This medley is 11 minutes long but it's worth hearing it to the end

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I'd have to choose between Leon Russell and the Shelter People and Hank Wilson's Back, vol 1
I own all three :cool:

Shelter People is a classic. I'm biased toward live performances and this is a 2 disc CD that is great for driving down the highway.

I saw Leon in an outdoor concert in Charlotte in a crowd of 25+thousand back in the day and then years later at the Art Center. Big crowd or cozy crowd made no difference in my enjoyment:sneaky:
I own all three :cool:

Shelter People is a classic. I'm biased toward live performances and this is a 2 disc CD that is great for driving down the highway.

I saw Leon in an outdoor concert in Charlotte in a crowd of 25+thousand back in the day and then years later at the Art Center. Big crowd or cozy crowd made no difference in my enjoyment:sneaky:
I own those two and Carny on vinyl.