This is disconcerting. We have a Russian operative on this board. (Turned out it was a joke, all clear)

Which thread. link? I'm asking cuz I assume someone asked that user to explain him/herself.
That is wierd, but if I were a Russian programming a bot, I would make sure nothing about the program was in Russian. I wouldn't think a decent programmer would generate conversation in Russian and then translate it. Then again, I don't have any other explanation. Maybe it is a crappy programmer; afterall, almost anyone can crank out chaotic, unmanageable, unmaintainable code, even ChatGPT
Maybe it's trump, we know how detail oriented he and his teams are.
Which thread. link? I'm asking cuz I assume someone asked that user to explain him/herself.
Odd that the user never popped back up with explanation, no matter how good/bad it was.

Also to note, the user's first post was to link an article with the Waltz visits China line of attack and several other posts seem (overly?) concerned with the Arab vote in Michigan fault line.

I'm not convinced either way at this point. But I am open to the possibility. It would mean that the old ZZL-P was being worked and when it was shut down they followed over here. Typical modus operndi would be the have multiple aliases, fwiw.

ETA: And typical modus operendi would have those other aliases ridicule the idea, fwiw.
Когда я был маленьким и не имел здравого смысла, я мочился на электрический забор. Было так больно, что у меня задрожали яйца, и тогда я обосрался в комбинезон.
Odd that the user never popped back up with explanation, no matter how good/bad it was.

Also to note, the user's first post was to link an article with the Waltz visits China line of attack and several other posts seem (overly?) concerned with the Arab vote in Michigan fault line.

I'm not convinced either way at this point. But I am open to the possibility. It would mean that the old ZZL-P was being worked and when it was shut down they followed over here. Typical modus operndi would be the have multiple aliases, fwiw.

ETA: And typical modus operendi would have those other aliases ridicule the idea, fwiw.
the Cal Cunningham one was odd though.

I always dismissed the idea we had Russian bots on the ZZL, thinking it was too small potatoes BUT NOW....
At some point yesterday evening I noticed you can see who is on the forum and there were several unregistered guests viewing the 2-3 main election-related threads. Then I noticed the bots. There were several Yandex bots viewing the Ukraine thread. It’s the first time I’ve used that feature, so it may be common but it seems interesting in light of this development.
How can you see who is on the forum? And how do you know they are bots?
Когда я был маленьким и не имел здравого смысла, я мочился на электрический забор. Было так больно, что у меня задрожали яйца, и тогда я обосрался в комбинезон.
When I was a teenager, I was on a training hike prior to the Boy Scouts' Bath Pilgramage when I noticed we were walking beside an electric fence. I turned to try and push another guy into it, and my leaky, i.e, wet, Army canteen my my belt touched the wire. It was like someone was driving an electric drill up throught the sole of my foot. I really did not enjoy that. But the guy I was trying to push into the fence thought it was hilarious.

ETA: Sorry I didn't notice the language in the original post. Too late now. ☹️