This thread is totally random

Alcatraz is the most interesting national park in the country. Also, I’m 80% sure that I could’ve escaped from it; i’m a pretty strong swimmer.
I have swam in the aquatic park in the Marina district of San Francisco, probably the closest direct point to Alcatraz and I'm sure it's more than a mile. My buddy was training for a triathlon and wanted to get some swimming in and I offered to go with him. He had a full wetsuit including hood. I was a junkie at the time and opted for only a thin rubber skull cap and a speedo. Certainly my pain receptors were close to dead, but after about 5 minutes I could tell things weren't functioning correctly. I waved my friend down as asked him to stick with me til I got to shore because I was starting to seize up. Again, this was about 5 minutes in the water. We got to the shore and I was blue and couldn't speak. I mean, I tried to speak but the connection between my brain and my mouth had been frozen. I was like "buh, buh, buh, buh." Just sounds and grunts. I just don't see anybody surviving a swim from Alcatraz to land without a full wetsuit...
I have swam in the aquatic park in the Marina district of San Francisco, probably the closest direct point to Alcatraz and I'm sure it's more than a mile. My buddy was training for a triathlon and wanted to get some swimming in and I offered to go with him. He had a full wetsuit including hood. I was a junkie at the time and opted for only a thin rubber skull cap and a speedo. Certainly my pain receptors were close to dead, but after about 5 minutes I could tell things weren't functioning correctly. I waved my friend down as asked him to stick with me til I got to shore because I was starting to seize up. Again, this was about 5 minutes in the water. We got to the shore and I was blue and couldn't speak. I mean, I tried to speak but the connection between my brain and my mouth had been frozen. I was like "buh, buh, buh, buh." Just sounds and grunts. I just don't see anybody surviving a swim from Alcatraz to land without a full wetsuit...
The tides are vicious too. Somebody told me a story about a guy who was windsurfing at Chrissy Field. The sail snapped off his board. He ended jetting sucked all the way under the Bay Bridge.

Couldn’t get to shore. The tide turned and he gets carried all the way back to where he started from then out to sea.

Some fisherman found him a mile out from the Golden Gate Bridge in the open ocean.

I’ve sailed out of the bay against the tide. Sails up, engine maxed out and it was touch and go.

There’s a reason why they schedule races like the Escape from Alcatraz at slack tide.
Yoga is like being tortured. Hot yoga is like being tortured in Fayetteville.
My 3rd grade teacher weighed close to 350 lbs. and she used to make all of us do calisthenics whenever someone brought candy to class.
I'm pretty sure I just saw a hawk in my yard.


You did indeed. We have three in our neighborhood. Beautiful birds. I was going on my daily walk and crossed a bridge over a creek that runs through a park. On the bridge railing were the remains of a crayfish. A hawk had caught and eaten it. The only thing left was the shell.
I noticed that "ItsBosidesTime" is posting on this board. Haven't read anything from him in awhile. Or, is this another CF alias?
I got a wrong number phone call early this morning from an obviously old woman who had transposed the last two digits of the number she was trying to call. She sounded so upset that I wound up talking to her for about 10 minutes.
You did indeed. We have three in our neighborhood. Beautiful birds. I was going on my daily walk and crossed a bridge over a creek that runs through a park. On the bridge railing were the remains of a crayfish. A hawk had caught and eaten it. The only thing left was the shell.
First time I have seen one in my yard.