This thread is totally random

Anyone else find it funny that CF is using at least 2 other aliases here?

CF, do you have different personalities for each of your user names?
Ok, this was posted on the old ZZL and was locked very quickly.

I'm really struggling with what this is supposed to mean.

China's Xi's plan to punish not the western powers but pacifically the United States has backfired on them. Europe was not organized and as well established society as the United States is right now. For my understanding it's all goes back to China's humiliation over creating black powder and the western powers pacifically the United States developing black powder to use. We then used black powder to control China. China's plan was to give all these grants or law enforcement customs to turn a blind eye and to let the precursors end directly into the US. not go into Europe but into pacifically the United States. China wanted us to pay for what we have accomplished. This all backfired when the manufacturers in China started to realize wait a minute we don't have to worry about getting it into the United States we can put it on the streets right here in China i
and make more money without the risk of it being seized. Now the Chinese have become addicted to fentanyl. They shut all the precursors down in July. Fentanyl in the United States has next to dried up in less than 1 month. Yes you're still plenty of fentanyl around there will be but it's nothing like it was. I have this on very very good source that this is the situation right now regarding fentanyl
As near as I can tell, is this supposed be some sort of crucial and critical link among the Chinese invention of black powder, the Western militarization of fireworks into weapons, and the retalitory Chinese mobilization to flood the United States with fentanyl?
Anyone else find it funny that CF is using at least 2 other aliases here?

CF, do you have different personalities for each of your user names?
This is the only name I have used here for a while. It is registered as CarolinaFever, but I changed it with the name change feature here. I actually registered this same name at IC the same time I registered CF because I wasn't sure which one I wanted to use then. I went with CF but I think I like this one better.

Only thing is with this name I feel like I have to use a Stone Cold avatar.
As near as I can tell, is this supposed be some sort of crucial and critical link among the Chinese invention of black powder, the Western militarization of fireworks into weapons, and the retalitory Chinese mobilization to flood the United States with fentanyl?
:unsure: Yea, that's what I got out of it too.
This is the only name I have used here for a while. It is registered as CarolinaFever, but I changed it with the name change feature here. I actually registered this same name at IC the same time I registered CF because I wasn't sure which one I wanted to use then. I went with CF but I think I like this one better.

Only thing is with this name I feel like I have to use a Stone Cold avatar.
What about Tully?
So you have four usernames on a site that is barely over a month old?
I have OCD, so that is part of it. But CF and this one is the only one I have really used at all here. I guess I should just use CF since it is the one I used the most at IC and what most know me as.
My wife and I were talking with my parents. They have always been democrats, but never really outward.

My mother told us that they were driving to the highway when the trump buss passed. They had to stop and let the bus pass, so my mother rolled down the window and put both hand out and flipped off the bus and yelled "F you trump". This is very funny coming from my 74 year old mother.
I like your Mom’s style!
Anyone else find it funny that CF is using at least 2 other aliases here?

CF, do you have different personalities for each of your user names?
Seems SOP for him.

If he had other personalities, do you think he'd be using that one?
Seems SOP for him.

If he had other personalities, do you think he'd be using that one?
Exactly. Everyone of his aliases posts exactly the same. That’s how they are so easy to spot. Same shit, different username.
Anybody. Your name will be on everyone's lips.

I can see it now.

I don't listen to just anybody.

No problem, anybody can have a bad idea.

Does anybody know what's going on?

You're welcome.