I thought that was a decent article. All over the place with the narrative, but lots pf information and some good quotes. Plenty for supporters and opponents to pull out but I saw a few paragraphs that gave me hope for the program:
"After the pro-Trump mob entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Rose said he asked students if they “had a family member or friend who voted for Donald Trump. In a class of 56, 50 hands went up. I then asked them to keep their hands up if they thought this person’s vote was motivated by anything unsavory—say, sexism or racism. Every hand but two went down.” Rose said that “when you actually know others, they aren’t an abstraction onto which you can project your own political narratives.”"
"It’s unclear what the majority of UNC faculty now think of the school that hundreds protested. But Beth Moracco, current chair of the Chapel Hill faculty, said she’s heard cautious optimism; faculty have said the school could help, for instance, with the vigorous debate that may arise due to the election results.
“We as a society are quite polarized,” Moracco said, and “there’s always room for more engaged, constructive civil discourse.”"