Trump Rallies & Interviews Catch-All | Trump - “just stop talking about that”

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I think his growing exhaustion is self-evident. And the later evening events seem particularly taxing (which is understandable).

Do these signs and behaviors seem familiar. From the AARP website.

What are the signs of sundown syndrome?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, as many as 20 percent of people with Alzheimer’s experience sundown syndrome. When your loved one has dementia (and some other conditions, as well), the approach of sundown can trigger sudden emotional, behavioral or cognitive changes. These might include:
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Restlessness
  • Energy surge
  • Increased confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
These may lead, in turn, to challenging behaviors like pacing, rocking, screaming, crying, disorientation, resistance, anger, aggression — even violence. Many people experiencing sundown syndrome feel the urgent need to go somewhere or do something, but they can’t always explain why.
Do these signs and behaviors seem familiar. From the AARP website.

What are the signs of sundown syndrome?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, as many as 20 percent of people with Alzheimer’s experience sundown syndrome. When your loved one has dementia (and some other conditions, as well), the approach of sundown can trigger sudden emotional, behavioral or cognitive changes. These might include:
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness
  • Restlessness
  • Energy surge
  • Increased confusion
  • Hallucinations
  • Delusions
These may lead, in turn, to challenging behaviors like pacing, rocking, screaming, crying, disorientation, resistance, anger, aggression — even violence. Many people experiencing sundown syndrome feel the urgent need to go somewhere or do something, but they can’t always explain why.
Dementia plays a large role in my professional work. I typically loath pop medical hypotheses, and …

I think the demands of campaigning have triggered a stepwise decline in ttump’s cognition, due to vascular dementia. He can’t complete a thought; stay on topic; looks ragged and sounds worse; his handlers are handling more; he only appears in friendly environments; slurs his words and spontaneously makes up new ones; has increasing challenges reading; etc.

He’s failing quite fast. Vance and the billionaire fascists know this, and see it as an opportunity.

There really wasn't that much laughter and much of it was people laughing at him rather than at the jokes. The Al Smith dinner used to be a collegial affair before Trump came onto the scene, but like everything else, everything Trump touches dies. The Obama/McCain dinner was comedy gold and the Obama/Romney dinner wasn't bad either, but the Clinton/Trump dinner was marred by wildly inappropriate "jokes" by Trump, prompting groans, boos and looks of bewilderment if not horror from the audience, even from Cardinal Dolan. Pull up Trump's bit at that 2016 dinner if you want to see a really cringe-worthy performance...
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Trump ('s campaign) cancelled his NRA interview. Trump is broken and done gone full BiDAN senile. The campaign's going to have to hide the Orange One for the next 18 days.
Some may remember when Bill Bradley sitting on the bed of his hotel room, instead of a chair, because he was 6 ft 7 in. tall, which ended his presidential campaign in 2000. Folks thought he looked too tired for the job.

Arguably, Trump would tweet until 1 am, get up at 10 am and watch FNC at the White House for 3 hours before NOT READING the daily security brief anyway.
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Dementia plays a large role in my professional work. I typically loath pop medical hypotheses, and …

I think the demands of campaigning have triggered a stepwise decline in ttump’s cognition, due to vascular dementia. He can’t complete a thought; stay on topic; looks ragged and sounds worse; his handlers are handling more; he only appears in friendly environments; slurs his words and spontaneously makes up new ones; has increasing challenges reading; etc.

He’s failing quite fast. Vance and the billionaire fascists know this, and see it as an opportunity.
25th A all the way.
So broken.

He honestly seems to believe that tariffs are this magic solution to all of our economic problems, when in fact his plans to raise tariffs would be a disaster for our economy. In his first term his agricultural tariffs nearly ruined many American farmers, and Trump had to bail them out with an extensive and expensive giveaway of billions of tax dollars - the very "handout", "welfare", and "socialist" giveaways that Trump and other Republicans claim to despise.

I mean, that’s how he sees his MAGA cultists.

The reaction of his crowd is certainly interesting. Normally there would be loud cheers, but a number of people behind him look shocked or confused, and the sound isn't laughter or cheering so much as a kind of stunned surprise that he said it. And yes, he's made it clear in private many times that he holds his supporters in contempt and sees them as gullible idiot slobs from the provinces and boondocks.