I still can’t believe Roberts was so naive. It was clear he really did think that he was engineering a decision that would calm the constitutional waters. When it was so obvious how easily and quickly Trump in particular could use the ruling to arrogate power to himself.
I think he just wants to retire and be replaced by a conservative -- one of his clerks, maybe.
The entire decision was senseless from top to bottom. Basing a law of immunity on the founders supposed desire for a "bold" executive was nonsense from the outset.
For some reason, he seemed unable to process the fact that Trump was the whole problem. Trump was asking for a reprieve from that which he created. Before Trump, we didn't worry about presidents taking revenge. Then he says, "oh, they are taking revenge on me" when it should have plainly apparent to the justices that they weren't. The entire revenge dynamic was created and sustained by the guy they said was the victim of revenge.
We absolutely need a new court. Well, probably the only way to get our reputation back globally is a new constitution, but we definitely need a new court.
I'm in favor of the next Dem president/Congress doing two things:
A. Restricting the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court to its original jurisdiction;
B. Creating a new appeals court, the Court Of Uniform Application, that will have the same appellate jurisdiction as the current Supreme Court.
Hopefully we get there, and hopefully we appoint someone bold enough to do such a thing. If so, I will probably laugh at Gorsuch for a year at least.