Andrew Kloster, a
self-described “raging misogynist” with a public history of racist comments and insistence on loyalty to President Donald Trump, has been installed as general counsel for the federal government’s human resources agency, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Kloster, who is now responsible for advising the government’s H.R. department, has a long history of racist and
sexist online comments and social media posts. In a response to a post on
The Volokh Conspiracy legal blog, as reported by
The Daily Beast, Kloster wrote, “
Consent is probably modern society’s most pernicious fetish.” He also has written online that “
Slaves owe us reparations.” In 2023, roughly six months after being served a temporary restraining order, he tweeted, “
I need a woman who looks like she got punched.” POGO’s queries sent to OPM and Kloster sought comment on these and other statements; neither addressed these questions.