TV Streaming series to talk about.

Anyone seen Barry? I've received positive reviews about it from my family and friends, and wanted to get a barometric reading on it with the community here.
I highly recommend A Man on the Inside on Netflix starring Ted Danson. Created by the same guy that created The Good Place. Season 1 has only 8 episodes so it's an easy weekend binge.
Wife and I watched this.

It was pretty good.
I just started rewatching Severance ahead of the new season in January.

I liked it but didn’t love it the first time around. I thought it took way too long to develop and was too heavy on style and too light on substance. And it felt pretty overhyped to me as a result.

I’ll have to see how the second viewing goes.
I just started rewatching Severance ahead of the new season in January.

I liked it but didn’t love it the first time around. I thought it took way too long to develop and was too heavy on style and too light on substance. And it felt pretty overhyped to me as a result.

I’ll have to see how the second viewing goes.
There's to me a strange and jarring kinship between Severance and Succession. The connection I make is partly why I feel both of them are among the ten or so best things The New Era (tm) of televsion has ever produced. The monumental difference is science fiction and very real world satire, but looking deeper, there is the forcing and radioactive element of work and family. In Succession the pinnacle of capitalism's drive for big power and big money crushes and digests and excretes all normal aspect of familial and or marital love. In Severance capitalism is served by erasing all family and marital memory and thought during work, and yet there is "leakage" that corrupts the division. In both works these two aspects of this troubled world we have created battle back and forth, showing us insights into the deepest problems humans face in our attempt to feel and be real human beings. This is what I think you could consider a bit more about what makes the latter so great.

Related video that I found well worth the time:
I recently finished Sweet Tooth, Wrestlers, Starting 5, and The Ones Who Live.

Currently watching Love on Netflix.
I liked it. I didn’t finish it though. It is hard to get back into shows when you have a year or two before a new season airs.
Agreed. We enjoyed it, but not enough to make a point of a 20 month countdown to the next season. Also, although it started strong and had a few good moments here and there in later seasons, it became something of a one trick pony. Kind of like Weeds and Orange is the New Black, if that makes any sense.
As others have recommended, Wife and I very much enjoyed “A Man on the Inside”, especially after working with my dad for 25 years in a similar retirement home. Hope they pick up a Season 2
As others have recommended, Wife and I very much enjoyed “A Man on the Inside”, especially after working with my dad for 25 years in a similar retirement home. Hope they pick up a Season 2
I only watched because of my wife, didn't seem like my type of show.

Glad I watched, it was very good.
Anyone seen Barry? I've received positive reviews about it from my family and friends, and wanted to get a barometric reading on it with the community here.
I liked it ok, there’s some good stuff. I don’t think it’s as good as the hype and the last season is completely pointless and shouldn’t have been made imho.
Anyone seen Barry? I've received positive reviews about it from my family and friends, and wanted to get a barometric reading on it with the community here.
My wife and I watched the first 2-3 episodes but couldn’t get into it. It just came across as a little too contrived. We had a similar experience with Schitt’s Creek.
My wife and I watched the first 2-3 episodes but couldn’t get into it. It just came across as a little too contrived. We had a similar experience with Schitt’s Creek.
Ha! We had the same experience with Schitt's Creek too. And - board, pls don't hate me - Entourage, Shameless, and GoT. K, based on yours & geisterfahrer's feedback, we might skip Barry for now, unless we find ourselves with a couple of consecutive rainy days :)
Agreed. We enjoyed it, but not enough to make a point of a 20 month countdown to the next season. Also, although it started strong and had a few good moments here and there in later seasons, it became something of a one trick pony. Kind of like Weeds and Orange is the New Black, if that makes any sense.
I understand what you mean. The first few seasons of Weeds were great. It started falling off after a few seasons, but I enjoyed parts of it up until they went to New York. The last two seasons were just terrible.
Ha! We had the same experience with Schitt's Creek too. And - board, pls don't hate me - Entourage, Shameless, and GoT. K, based on yours & geisterfahrer's feedback, we might skip Barry for now, unless we find ourselves with a couple of consecutive rainy days :)
I quit watching Shameless after the main female lead left her cocaine out for an infant to eat. I just didn't like any of the characters on that show.