Preyer acted out of line, but he also got us Bill. I am not sure we wouldn't have ended up with Tommy Rees under Bubba.God, we are a clown show.
Surprisingly, the Rubio/Tillis/Berger part doesn't really bother me. I mean, it's unusual, but Belichick is an unusual candidate. It doesn't sound like they had much to do with the hiring beyond passing along that Belichick was interested in the job.
Preyer is a fucking idiot, but we already knew that. We'll be better off when his (and Jennifer Lloyd's) term ends in a couple of years. He acted outside the bounds of his position, made an offer to Belichick we couldn't fulfill, drove off nearly every other realistic candidate we had, and gave Belichick all of the leverage in negotiating with us. If Roberts hadn't been able to pull this out, we would have looked like fools and nearly all of it would have been Preyer's fault.
And that's before we even get into the fact that Cunningham is a great AD and I'll be shocked if he doesn't get out of Chapel Hill within the next couple of years.
And I am still mad at Bubba over the whole Tez situation. Jen going around Bubba and getting independent counsel is actually what got the NCAA to reverse course. Bubba would have been fine sacrificing Tez (and who knows how the Miami game would have turned out that year without Tez) in order to protect the incompetence of UNC compliance.
And let's not even get into Bubba's ridiculous navy ban. I personally think Bubba is a very corporate, inside-the-box kind of thinker, and that is not going to do much to advance UNC to the places it needs to go. Farethewell to Notre Dame Mr. Cunningham.