Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

And yes Fetterman and others need to shut their pie holes. Keep the eyes on the prize lefties
The prize to many American lefties isn’t defeating Trump and the Trumplicans, the prize is burning down the Democratic Party and rebuilding it as a socialist one……which they’re certain will sweep to victory across the US.

To be honest I think that the safest pick ranking is as follows:

1. Kelly
2. Walz
3. Beshear
4. Shapiro

Another factor to consider (somewhat raised previously) is that the ticket needs to reach the lower middle class/poor that are buying the pseudo populist drivel from Trump and another lawyer on the ticket just doesn't provide that regular guy dynamic. In that regard, you could argue that this is also why Walz and Kelly are the better choices though Beshear does a great job at communicating. Kelly will shift on labor and he is an astronaut and yes something that simple will stay in the minds of voters.
I don’t think Kelly is a good choice due to his association with the gun control movement. There are a lot of single-issue voters that would be extra motivated to vote red if gun control becomes an actual issue in the next couple of months. I understand that gun control is a major issue to many Democrats, but you don’t have to telegraph it. Win first, then work on it.
The prize to many American lefties isn’t defeating Trump and the Trumplicans, the prize is burning down the Democratic Party and rebuilding it as a socialist one……which they’re certain will sweep to victory across the US.
Thats crazy. I assume its true. I dont know politics that well, just that i hate trump
Because it is. The question isn't whether there are leftists who have that as their goal, given that many have said exactly that. The only question is how big that subset is.
What “lefties” are in favor of electing Trump?
This conversation:

Confused Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter
Shapiro should be the choice for obvious reasons, but I do wonder if the Democrats will go through with putting a Jewish person on the ticket in this environment
Pretty tired of Fettermans shit
I understand. But being a former resident of Allegheny County, where both Pittsburgh and Braddock are located, Fetterman's somewhat, shall we say, "eccentric views" on certain issues are less of a surprise and get more of "well that took longer to spill out than I expected" reaction from me.
I don’t think Kelly is a good choice due to his association with the gun control movement. There are a lot of single-issue voters that would be extra motivated to vote red if gun control becomes an actual issue in the next couple of months. I understand that gun control is a major issue to many Democrats, but you don’t have to telegraph it. Win first, then work on it.
Another thing with Kelly is that he attended Netanyahu's speech to Congress and applauded him. That alone makes me really hope he's not the choice.

That makes me wonder if Fetterman's opposition to Shapiro is his way of trying to get Kelly on the ticket, since Fetterman seems to love him some Bibi.