Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

What's the realistic state to govern? It isn't Indiana and Pete doesn't have strong connections elsewhere, unless you consider three years working for McKinsey in Chicago enough to test the waters in IL (I don't).
I read that Pete and Chasten live in northern Michigan now. Traverse City to be precise. It is Chasten’s home town and allows them to be close to Chasten’s family which is helpful with a small child and Pete’s travel schedule. He voted in Michigan in 2022.
If Trump loses this time, hopefully he just gets out of politics other than occasionally talking some trash on social media. As a conservative, I've had enough of him.
I hope there are many millions of conservatives just like you. It would be nice to go back to considering 2 legitimate alternatives. 2012 seems like 50 years ago.
If Trump loses this time, hopefully he just gets out of politics other than occasionally talking some trash on social media. As a conservative, I've had enough of him.
We’ve already seen what happens when Trump loses. There’s no reason to think this time would be any different than last time. He’s been given multiple opportunities to say that he’ll accept the election results in November, and he has refused to commit to do so. He will undoubtedly claim that he won—even if he loses. He can’t fathom of a world in which he actually loses.
We’ve already seen what happens when Trump loses. There’s no reason to think this time would be any different than last time. He’s been given multiple opportunities to say that he’ll accept the election results in November, and he has refused to commit to do so. He will undoubtedly claim that he won—even if he loses. He can’t fathom of a world in which he actually loses.
It'll be a little bit different in that the Democrats have control over most of the government this time around.
It'll be a little bit different in that the Democrats have control over most of the government this time around.
I’m not convinced that matters much.

Trump’s narcissism is such that he’ll command his followers to revolt and potentially die for him. He simply will not ever concede or admit defeat.

I don’t think the threat of prison will temper him. He knows he has better-than-even odds that he’ll catch a favorable judge or will be able to delay/appeal/run out the clock till he dies.

He’s a spiteful, hateful man. And he’d rather watch the country burn to the ground than admit he lost an election.
It'll be a little bit different in that the Democrats have control over most of the government this time around.
IIF it appears that Harris has won, the likely battleground is small country election boards that will refuse to certify results even when Trump won their county in order to throw sand into the gears and throw the decision to the House, together with the local judges and select federal judges that the GOP has gotten efficient at forum-shopping.

There has certainly been a lot of push-back against Shapiro the last 48 hours.
To say that criticism of Shapiro is anti-Semitic just highlights the issue even more.

Anti-semitism is not anti-Zionism.

He has compared protestors of genocide in Gaza to the KKK and said Palestinians are not capable of peace.

Not to mention the school voucher issues and the Me Too coverup.

There are better options than Shapiro, and that’s why people are speaking out against him. Not because he’s Jewish.

If Joe Scarborough is going to bat this hard for Shapiro, that reaffirms my belief that it should not be him.
To say that criticism of Shapiro is anti-Semitic just highlights the issue even more.

Anti-semitism is not anti-Zionism.

He has compared protestors of genocide in Gaza to the KKK and said Palestinians are not capable of peace.

Not to mention the school voucher issues and the Me Too coverup.

There are better options than Shapiro, and that’s why people are speaking out against him. Not because he’s Jewish.
I believe he was comparing the protesters who vandalize property, burn American flags, etc. to the KKK. I am almost certain he was not comparing people who are just generally pro-Palestinian to the KKK.

I think there are vice presidential candidate options that are just as good as Shapiro, but from an electoral standpoint, I am almost certain there are no vice presidential candidate options that are *better*. Having Shapiro on the ticket means that there is a very, very high likelihood of Pennsylvania going for Harris, and if Pennsylvania goes for Harris, there is a very, very high likelihood that she wins the whole election. In an election that is going to be as close and as much of a tossup as this one looks to be, I just think you have to squeeze out every drop of possible advantage that you can.
I believe he was comparing the protesters who vandalize property, burn American flags, etc. to the KKK. I am almost certain he was not comparing people who are just generally pro-Palestinian to the KKK.

I think there are vice presidential candidate options that are just as good as Shapiro, but from an electoral standpoint, I am almost certain there are no vice presidential candidate options that are *better*. Having Shapiro on the ticket means that there is a very, very high likelihood of Pennsylvania going for Harris, and if Pennsylvania goes for Harris, there is a very, very high likelihood that she wins the whole election. In an election that is going to be as close and as much of a tossup as this one looks to be, I just think you have to squeeze out every drop of possible advantage that you can.
I just don’t see any evidence that Shapiro will deliver Pennsylvania for Harris. I think she is well set up to compete and win there without him. I don’t want to rehash things I’ve already said on this thread, but Harris and Shapiro bring similar skills to the table, so I’d prefer Walz or Beshear.

Even if he was saying that protestors who burn the American flag are like the KKK, that’s still historically illiterate and inflammatory for a huge portion of the Democratic base.
Shades of 2016. This Shapiro smear campaign from a small portion of the far left is starting to cause damage to Harris IMO. She needs to pick Shapiro quickly and get this going. Or pick someone else and hope Trump continues to self-implode. Hopefully, the addition of David Plouffe will get this settled very soon.
Shapiro has been far harsher on Netanyahu than Biden has. The correct policy is to condemn Hamas, condemn Netanyahu and seek a Palestiinian state in WB and Gaza once the war is over.. Hamas soldiers are not fr4eedome-fighters and Netanyahu is not an advocate for peace (2-state solution).
Assuming VP Harris and Shapiro are in sync on the above, he is the pick. From what I have read, Republicans think Shapiro is on the verge of closing off the Philly suburbs for R candidates--he has been that impactful as AG and Gov.
I just don’t see any evidence that Shapiro will deliver Pennsylvania for Harris. I think she is well set up to compete and win there without him. I don’t want to rehash things I’ve already said on this thread, but Harris and Shapiro bring similar skills to the table, so I’d prefer Walz or Beshear.
I hear ya. I think yours is a perfectly valid and entirely respectable viewpoint. And I actually agree that I believe that Harris is set up well to be able to win in Pennsylvania even without Shapiro on the ticket. Like I’ve said, I’m going to be thrilled with any of whomever she picks between Shapiro, Walz, Kelly, or Beshear. I’m just hopeful that the more leftward flank of the party doesn’t have a temper tantrum if and when she chooses Shapiro.
Shades of 2016. This Shapiro smear campaign from a small portion of the far left is starting to cause damage to Harris IMO. She needs to pick Shapiro quickly and get this going. Or pick someone else and hope Trump continues to self-implode. Hopefully, the addition of David Plouffe will get this settled very soon.
Shapiro has been far harsher on Netanyahu than Biden has. The correct policy is to condemn Hamas, condemn Netanyahu and seek a Palestiinian state in WB and Gaza once the war is over.. Hamas soldiers are not fr4eedome-fighters and Netanyahu is not an advocate for peace (2-state solution).
Assuming VP Harris and Shapiro are in sync on the above, he is the pick. From what I have read, Republicans think Shapiro is on the verge of closing off the Philly suburbs for R candidates--he has been that impactful as AG and Gov.
I agree. From my perspective as a moderate-to-slightly conservative, it has always felt to me like the far left is not happy unless they are unhappy.
I hear ya. I think yours is a perfectly valid and entirely respectable viewpoint. And I actually agree that I believe that Harris is set up well to be able to win in Pennsylvania even without Shapiro on the ticket. Like I’ve said, I’m going to be thrilled with any of whomever she picks between Shapiro, Walz, Kelly, or Beshear. I’m just hopeful that the more leftward flank of the party doesn’t have a temper tantrum if and when she chooses Shapiro.
Im worried that that’s exactly what will happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m voting for Harris regardless. But I think there is a segment of the left (count me among them) who will find Shapiro demoralizing. Harris can’t afford that right now. Let’s keep the energy going and pick a VP that everyone in the party will be satisfied with.

I don’t think Walz or Beshear would actively upset segments of the base in the way Shapiro or even Kelly might.
Pretty tired of Fettermans shit
Yeah what is his angle anymore other than to be the next Sinema/Manchin who gums up the works on everything.

If he doesn’t like Shapiro it’s probably personal - highly doubt it’s anti Semitism because Fetterman is the most pro Israel democratic senator.
I agree. From my perspective as a moderate-to-slightly conservative, it has always felt to me like the far left is not happy unless they are unhappy.
As a member of the far left, I think most of us are just tired of being beaten down for years by the only major party in this country that actually shares some of our views.

It would be depressing to see the party go back to failed politics and policies from a decade ago when the message presented by Bernie, Biden, and others has resonated strongly with working people.

Especially on a policy that should be such a lay up as school vouchers.