Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

Just saw a link in Pants suit Nation (Facebook) that Kelly did not support the PRO act National legislation to firm up the right to Unionize?? If true-this would be a big problem
I'm flip-flopping today. The more that I think about it, I wonder if Cooper might actually be the right choice. Shapiro is dynamic but there is a big Israel issue there. Young voters seem to have identified as pro-Palestinian and, if social media is a gauge, they feel strongly about that. We're gonna need every one of those young voters to show up. Kelly, though more of a household name, is older, not the most charismatic speaker and his vote on the union issue is a problem. Also I worry about that senate seat. Buttigieg, Whitmer and Warnock have the double-diversity problem. Beshear is perhaps too young and green, and ain't no way that KY is in play here. Cooper may have the least amount of baggage of the bunch... and maybe, just maybe, NC is still a purple state??
I'm flip-flopping today. The more that I think about it, I wonder if Cooper might actually be the right choice. Shapiro is dynamic but there is a big Israel issue there. Young voters seem to have identified as pro-Palestinian and, if social media is a gauge, they feel strongly about that. We're gonna need every one of those young voters to show up. Kelly, though more of a household name, is older, not the most charismatic speaker and his vote on the union issue is a problem. Also I worry about that senate seat. Buttigieg, Whitmer and Warnock have the double-diversity problem. Beshear is perhaps too young and green, and ain't no way that KY is in play here. Cooper may have the least amount of baggage of the bunch... and maybe, just maybe, NC is still a purple state??
I've been flipping daily on this. Really liked the Kelly fit with his familiarity with the border, but the union stuff isn't great for him. Think Beshear could highlight the youth movement that has many excited. Love Cooper in NC but feels like he could bring Tim Kaine energy (or lack thereof).

My guess is Cooper, he's tight with Kamala which is important with this short window to make a confident selection.

PS - never commented once on the old ZZLP. Something about this candidate change and forced migration of ZZLP has me feeling energized
I wonder if Cooper would make a better Chief of Staff? Not even sure if he wants such a thankless but powerful job …
I've been flipping daily on this. Really liked the Kelly fit with his familiarity with the border, but the union stuff isn't great for him. Think Beshear could highlight the youth movement that has many excited. Love Cooper in NC but feels like he could bring Tim Kaine energy (or lack thereof).

My guess is Cooper, he's tight with Kamala which is important with this short window to make a confident selection.

PS - never commented once on the old ZZLP. Something about this candidate change and forced migration of ZZLP has me feeling energized

I'm right there with you on the Tim Kaine energy. That was my hesitation with Cooper from the outset. But while he won't bring a lot of youthfulness to the campaign, he certainly won't drive away any potential voters. He's neutral, steady, non-controversial, well-liked in North Carolina. If only he had just a tad bit more charisma...
One of the things that frustrate me most about Republicans is also something I’m envious of…they’ll rally around an imperfect candidate.

Frustrating that a Dem VP candidate (whomever it is) is held to a standard of perfection. Candidate X would be perfect if not for one issue…Candidate Y would be perfect if not for another issue. Any of the people mentioned paired with Harris, are better than Trump/Vance, yet Dems always have to be overly concerned about alienating a certain block of voters.
The reality is that all candidates are going to have negatives. The question is how much damage those really do considering that we’re talking about the running mate and not the candidate.
-not flashy
-questions about union support
-questions about Israel v Palestine
-questions about minority support
-won’t help win his home state

Surprised Nicolas Cage GIF
As much as I would like to see either Whitmer or Mayor Pete on the ticket, it's not going to happen. Two women, or a black woman and a gay man won't (unfortunately) garner enough support among cross-over conservatives. I like Beshear, but he isn't delivering his home state. My first choice was Shapiro, but the fact that he is Jewish could pose a problem unless the mess in the Middle East is fixed fairly quickly (odds of that - slim to none).

Bottom line is that I don't see a slam dunk appointment at the moment. Everyone is going to have some pluses and minuses. I'll leave it up to people much smarter than me to determine who gives the biggest boost to the ticket, especially in the swing states.
The big issue with Cooper is that anytime he left the state the Looney tunes lt governor would be in charge and who knows what kind of crazy shit he might pull
Kind of crazy that he gets to “do” the job he’s currently campaigning for. Cooper should just be able to set his Out of Office message on his email and continue working when he’s back.
I dunno, I'm kinda feeling like Kelly is the guy. On top of everything else, he brings another side of political violence into the conversation, which from a crass political perspective, could be really valuable (his wife was also targeted and nearly killed by a lunatic with a gun after some pretty aggressive political speech that may or may not have influenced the gunman).