Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

I saw a tweet and immediately lost it to that annoying twitter refresh thing that said it's already down to Kelly and Shapiro. If true, great choice either way. Very excited.
I'm way behind on this topic, obviously since I'm replaying to something way up on the first page, but these are my top two choices. I've been really big on Kelly, but Shapiro's gaining for me. If he could bring in PA and help influence some of the nearby states, everything is good.
As much as I would like to see either Whitmer or Mayor Pete on the ticket, it's not going to happen. Two women, or a black woman and a gay man won't (unfortunately) garner enough support among cross-over conservatives. I like Beshear, but he isn't delivering his home state. My first choice was Shapiro, but the fact that he is Jewish could pose a problem unless the mess in the Middle East is fixed fairly quickly (odds of that - slim to none).

Bottom line is that I don't see a slam dunk appointment at the moment. Everyone is going to have some pluses and minuses. I'll leave it up to people much smarter than me to determine who gives the biggest boost to the ticket, especially in the swing states.
Come on. You have to have a ticket that is fair about what parts of American are represented on it, right?
I mean not having a white male on the ticket anywhere would be an unthinkable lack of representation, right? I mean it just wouldn't be fair.
I have felt since Biden stepped aside and Kamala got the nod that either Kelly or Shapiro were her best veep choices. Yes they have weaknesses but everyone does. Shapiro is popular in PA, which is almost a must-win state for Democrats, and from what I've read he's a dynamic campaigner. Kelly may bring Arizona, another key swing state, and he's got an impressive resume and I think he would contrast nicely with Vance, especially in a debate. I really like Cooper, but I'm not as sure he could bring NC into the Harris campa as could Shapiro in PA or Kelly in AZ. Beshear has done a great job in Kentucky, but even with him on the ticket Kentucky will still go for Trump by double digits, and I don't think he has the same upsides as Shapiro and Kelly. I will say that any one of those four guys would be a far better choice than Vance.
Geographically, Harris (CA) and Kelly (AZ) might not help in Midwest.
My two picks in order have been 1) Shapiro and 2) Beshear. Shapiro may be hurt by a) the reported sexual haranssment issue with his top aide last year, b) voucher support and c) ME.
On c picking Shapiro would allow Harris to be a but more symathetic toward Palestinians.

Dems can't win this with Pennsylvanis, so I woul guess Shapiro is the favorite pending the vetting

The Harris campaign is also considering Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg as a possible running mate, NBC News reports.

GOP political strategist Mike Murphy said Buttigieg is the “smartest move” for Harris because he “says future vs. past the loudest.”
I love Pete but I think Shapiro may be the smartest choice. Pulls in Pa and Midwest which Dems need to win. They won’t get Ky or NC (sadly) and don’t need AZ, so I’m for Shapiro
The Dems HAVE to win Michigan. I think either of Beshear or Kelly would attract more voters that Shapiro there. I think Beshear would pull better in Wisconsin (midwesterner-Shapiro is essentially from the east coast) and Kelly obviously pulls better in AZ. Unclear which if Kelly and Beshear pulls better in Nevada. Love both of their backgrounds. Hard choice.

IMHO, it has to be a white male, this ticket can only break so much ground.

Edited to add Beshear absolutely roasted Vance in down home parlance that would resonate with midwesterners.
I love Pete but I think Shapiro may be the smartest choice. Pulls in Pa and Midwest which Dems need to win. They won’t get Ky or NC (sadly) and don’t need AZ, so I’m for Shapiro
I'm for whomever gives her the best chance of winning, but I love Pete. I love watching him dissect the fox new host. The man is just so very smart, quick, and well spoken.

New Girl Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
I like Beshear a lot, but almost think he's trying too hard with some of this. But its still funny as hell.
I'm flip-flopping today. The more that I think about it, I wonder if Cooper might actually be the right choice. Shapiro is dynamic but there is a big Israel issue there. Young voters seem to have identified as pro-Palestinian and, if social media is a gauge, they feel strongly about that. We're gonna need every one of those young voters to show up. Kelly, though more of a household name, is older, not the most charismatic speaker and his vote on the union issue is a problem. Also I worry about that senate seat. Buttigieg, Whitmer and Warnock have the double-diversity problem. Beshear is perhaps too young and green, and ain't no way that KY is in play here. Cooper may have the least amount of baggage of the bunch... and maybe, just maybe, NC is still a purple state??
Beshear has been Attorney General and Governor.

He’s within 3-4 months of being the same age Obama was when he won in 2008.

He’s old enough and experienced enough.
Doubt he will get it since he is not from one of the key battleground states, but he is a very effective retail politician. Excellent at connecting with common folks. Sort of like Fauci, in the sense of helping reporters and people understand the key points and making complex problems understandable. He is also good with a quip which is why reporters keep calling him. An interetsing politiican. His father as Governor got red KY to accept Obamacare by calling it KYConnect or something like that. Get the job done one way or the other.
Still presuming it will be Shapiro for solid political reasons.
Was just about to say that Shapiro has been pretty quiet compared to several other candidates auditioning for the VP slot, then this popped up:
