Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

Can we rename the national party to Democratic-Farmer-Labor while we’re at it?
I think that Walz's appeal to working class, unions, and middle class folks is going to be an enormous boost to the ticket, especially juxtaposed to the other ticket that has a trust fund baby who shits on golden toilets and a doughy Yale-educated venture capitalist who cosplays as a hillbilly.
As someone who won’t be voting for the ticket either way (so I’m not their target audience), I’m disappointed it isn’t Shapiro because Shapiro is the kind of politician I’ve really grown to like as my own political views have evolved recently. I like the pragmatic centrist governors like Cooper, Shapiro, Beshear, Hogan, etc regardless of which party designation they have.

Someone like Shapiro on the top of the ticket is what it would take to get me to actually vote Dem, but him being VP would’ve put him in position to potentially be at the top of the ticket by 2032.
He’ll be in a better position to be on the top of the ticket in 2032 by not being the VP pick right now. Generally speaking, VPs don't do well when they run during their second term as VP or if they run after being on a losing presidential ticket.

And I highly doubt Walz ever becomes the democratic nominee. If Kamala wins, I don’t see him as the democratic nominee in 2032.
I think that Walz's appeal to working class, unions, and middle class folks is going to be an enormous boost to the ticket, especially juxtaposed to the other ticket that has a trust fund baby who shits on golden toilets and a doughy Yale-educated venture capitalist who cosplays as a hillbilly.
But he wears plaid shirts when he travels south. What's more authentic and every man than that?
These two are certainly rejuvenating the party. I think a very sizable portion of the population is really really tired of the great bloviater. Who so doing nothing other than playing to his base these days.
Make prairie populism great again!
William Jennings Bryan come on down! Actually one of my favorite prairie populists was a Kansas firebrand in the 1890s named Mary Lease, who supposedly said "The farmers in Kansas need to raise less corn and more hell!' although some think the line was actually invented for her by newspaper reporters. She did like the phrase though.
As I mentioned earlier, not thrilled with the pick due to the 2020 baggage and potentially leaving Pennsylvania on the board. That said, my full support is behind this ticket. Beats the weirdos on the right.
It's Walz because he can bring back the Bernie Bros. voters from 2016. He'll attract young voters.

Plus daily car repair pro tips.

I think the calculus is to fix all the mistakes Hillary made in the Midwest in 2016 and also grab GA. Shapiro is going to deliver PA because he wants to be the Dem candidate in 2028 or 2032.

He's a little left for me, but this election is more about Liberty than Policy.

Also, Walz is the deep woods anti-Trump BS repellant.
As I mentioned earlier, not thrilled with the pick due to the 2020 baggage and potentially leaving Pennsylvania on the board. That said, my full support is behind this ticket. Beats the weirdos on the right.
With PA being critical in the path to victory, have to think Harris’ internal polling showed them that PA was looking ok even without Shapiro.
As I mentioned earlier, not thrilled with the pick due to the 2020 baggage and potentially leaving Pennsylvania on the board. That said, my full support is behind this ticket. Beats the weirdos on the right.
Shapiro is going to deliver PA from the Governor's mansion if he wants the be a player in 2032 or 2028.
Walz brings more turnout and enthusiastic turnout.
William Jennings Bryan come on down! Actually one of my favorite prairie populists was a Kansas firebrand in the 1890s named Mary Lease, who supposedly said "The farmers in Kansas need to raise less corn and more hell!' although some think the line was actually invented for her by newspaper reporters. She did like the phrase though.
Never heard of her, I’ll have to do some reading! More people need to read WJB. Seems like most people know him as a failed presidential candidate or for the Scopes trial. The Cross of Gold speech is one of the greatest orations in American history.