Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

I knew very little about Walz until recently. I listened to an interview with him on the Ezra Klein show podcast yesterday. He is definitely very liberal, especially when it comes to government spending, but he also comes across as one of the most down-to-earth, red blooded American, sit down and have a beer with you kind of guys I have ever heard.
So out of curiosity, flipped it over to Fox News.

Shapiro should have been the pick…Most Left-Wing Ticket in US History…Stood by While Floyd Protest Violence Out of Control…Walz A Massive Gift to Republicans.

Time to crank up the hate/fear factor.
20 year school teacher , vet
I love Midwest progessives They get stuff done and don't "preach their virtue"
Kinda like Sherrod Brown but without the raspy voice, and it seems the Walz household owns an iron.
As someone who won’t be voting for the ticket either way (so I’m not their target audience), I’m disappointed it isn’t Shapiro because Shapiro is the kind of politician I’ve really grown to like as my own political views have evolved recently. I like the pragmatic centrist governors like Cooper, Shapiro, Beshear, Hogan, etc regardless of which party designation they have.

Someone like Shapiro on the top of the ticket is what it would take to get me to actually vote Dem, but him being VP would’ve put him in position to potentially be at the top of the ticket by 2032.
He can still be at the top of the ticket in 2032. I don’t see Walz running for POTUS after 8 years as VP, and even if he does I doubt the Democratic Party votes for another old guy anytime soon.
I love Walz's personality. He seems like a genuinely good dude and comes off as very personable and down to earth. And Minnesota is a great example of triumph of liberal policy at the state level. I still wonder if Shapiro would have been a better choice politically (he's younger and likely would have delivered PA) but this pick should help keep the left wing of the party feeling engaged and excited.
Now we find out if all those independent voters were just running their mouths when they said they had to vote for Trump because of Biden's age.

We have 2 really solid candidates in Harris and Walz. Her campaign is giving voters literally what they have been asking for. Normal, salt of the earth blue collar candidates and now its time to show the hell up and support them. Not just voting against Trump anymore, but voting FOR some really likable folks that want to do good things.
So out of curiosity, flipped it over to Fox News.

Shapiro should have been the pick…Most Left-Wing Ticket in US History…Stood by While Floyd Protest Violence Out of Control…Walz A Massive Gift to Republicans.

Time to crank up the hate/fear factor.
lololololol every Democratic politician somehow becomes to the left of Bernie Sanders according to Republicans
I know people think Shapiro would help deliver PA, but I think there's an important piece of the puzzle that people are leaving out. He may not be on the ticket anymore, but Biden is still from PA. Harris was his VP. He made the unselfish decision to step out. I bet he campaigns for her there and it's well received.
I know people think Shapiro would help deliver PA, but I think there's an important piece of the puzzle that people are leaving out. He may not be on the ticket anymore, but Biden is still from PA. Harris was his VP. He made the unselfish decision to step out. I bet he campaigns for her there and it's well received.
Fantastic points.
I know people think Shapiro would help deliver PA, but I think there's an important piece of the puzzle that people are leaving out. He may not be on the ticket anymore, but Biden is still from PA. Harris was his VP. He made the unselfish decision to step out. I bet he campaigns for her there and it's well received.
Shapiro can also do a ton to deliver PA even if he’s not on the ticket. There are few advantages better for a presidential candidate than a popular same-party governor.
I know people think Shapiro would help deliver PA, but I think there's an important piece of the puzzle that people are leaving out. He may not be on the ticket anymore, but Biden is still from PA. Harris was his VP. He made the unselfish decision to step out. I bet he campaigns for her there and it's well received.
Eh you may be right that Dems can win PA without Shapiro (I hope you're right) but Shapiro is much more popular in Pennsylvania than Biden.
Shapiro can also do a ton to deliver PA even if he’s not on the ticket. There are few advantages better for a presidential candidate than a popular same-party governor.
This is true. And to be clear I think Walz very well may be a better pick than Shapiro.