Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

With people like Wes Moore and Shapiro on deck? Agreed.
yeah - it was pretty disappointing how few real options the Dems would have had in a primary for this year, but with any luck the next cycle will have a lot of really engaging, diverse candidates.

Popular governors like Shapiro, Beshear, Pritzker, Whitmer, and (though I don't like them nearly as much) Moore + Newsom;
Lawmakers with a little more seasoning than they have currently, such as Katie Porter, Hakeem Jeffries, and Warnock;
And (hopefully) a strong left wing with people like Cori Bush, AOC, Delia Ramirez, and others having put in some real years (and some real work) in Congress.

Not to mention people like Pete and Jeff Jackson, rising stars in the party without having held state-wide or nationally elected positions yet.
Very happy with Walz as the pick. Doesn’t upset any faction within the party. Good lucking painting someone who held a red house district for 12 years as a far-left radical.

He has governed with common sense in Minnesota and compromised when he needed to. After the DFL won a trifecta in the state in 2022, they pushed through momentous policy changes with very slim majorities. Blueprint for what the U.S. Congress can hopefully do come 2025.
Also a reminder that if the worm can turn that fast once, it can happen again ... and again?

Worm Ufo GIF by Mallrat
No doubt it can, but absent some sort of major scandal, the momentum, enthusiasm, energy, and excitement that this ticket is generating on the left and in the middle is becoming more and more of a snowball rolling downhill. It would take something massive to derail it, IMO.
I need a commercial with this clip versus Trump hanging out with Epstein or cruising backstage for underage Miss Americans.
Happy Antonio Banderas GIF
So out of curiosity, flipped it over to Fox News.

Shapiro should have been the pick…Most Left-Wing Ticket in US History…Stood by While Floyd Protest Violence Out of Control…Walz A Massive Gift to Republicans.

Time to crank up the hate/fear factor.
And if she had picked Shapiro then Fox would simply be attacking him all this morning using a separate set of talking points. "Shapiro will not be popular with the party's progressive wing - she deliberately snubbed the party progressives by picking Shapiro. I bet at least some of them won't support the ticket now." blah blah. There is no one that Harris could have chosen who would not be attacked by Fox and other right-wing media. So I'm not worried about these attacks by right-wing media at all. And if they think he's a "gift to Republicans" just wait until he debates Trump's faux hillbilly running mate who wears heavy eyeliner. That should be fun to watch.
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